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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, D, E and 2U

AQUEDUCTaqueduct n. An artificial channel that is constructed to convey water from one location to another.
aqueduct n. A structure carrying water over a river or depression, especially in regards to ancient aqueducts.
aqueduct n. (Anatomy) A structure conveying fluid, such as the cerebral aqueduct or vestibular aqueduct.
CADUCEUScaduceus n. The official wand carried by a herald in ancient Greece and Rome, specifically the one carried in mythology…
caduceus n. A symbol (☤) representing a staff with two snakes wrapped around it, used to indicate merchants and…
CADUCEUS n. (Latin) a Greek or Roman herald's wand; specifically the wand carried by the messenger-god Hermes or Mercury, usually represented with two serpents twined round it.
CAUCUSEDcaucused v. Simple past tense and past participle of caucus.
CAUCUS v. to hold a political meeting.
MAKUTUEDMAKUTU v. to cast a spell upon.
QUAALUDEquaalude n. Alternative letter-case form of Quaalude.
Quaalude prop.n. (Pharmacology) A proprietary name for methaqualone.
Quaalude n. A dose of this drug, sometimes taken recreationally.
ULULATEDululated v. Simple past tense and past participle of ululate.
ULULATE v. to lament loudly and shrilly.
UMLAUTEDumlauted v. Simple past tense and past participle of umlaut.
umlauted adj. Modified by the addition of an umlaut.
UMLAUT v. to place an umlaut over.
UNABUSEDunabused adj. Not abused: especially, of a person, not having suffered physical abuse.
UNABUSED adj. not abused.
UNAMUSEDunamused adj. Not amused; thus often offended or put off.
UNAMUSED adj. not amused.
UNARGUEDunargued adj. Not argued; undebated.
unargued adj. Not proposed as an argument.
UNARGUED adj. not argued.
UNCAUSEDuncaused adj. Without any precedent cause; self-existent.
UNCAUSED adj. not caused.
UNDULATEundulate v. (Transitive) To cause to move in a wavelike motion.
undulate v. (Transitive) To cause to resemble a wave.
undulate v. (Intransitive) To move in wavelike motions.
UNFEUDALunfeudal adj. Not feudal.
UNFEUDAL adj. not marked by social attitudes.
UNGAUGEDungauged adj. That has not been gauged.
UNGAUGED adj. not gauged.
UNVALUEDunvalued adj. Not having been valued or appraised.
unvalued adj. Not considered to be of worth; deemed valueless.
unvalued adj. (Obsolete) Having inestimable value; invaluable.
UPVALUEDupvalued v. Simple past tense and past participle of upvalue.
UPVALUE v. to increase the value of.
VACUUMEDvacuumed v. Simple past tense and past participle of vacuum.
vacuumed adj. Having been cleaned with a vacuum cleaner; hoovered.
VACUUM v. to operate a cleaner that uses suction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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