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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, D, E, I and X

ALDOXIMEaldoxime n. (Organic chemistry) Any oxime derived from an aldehyde; general formula RCH=NOH.
ALDOXIME n. an oxime formed by reaction between hydroxylamine and an aldehyde.
ALKOXIDEalkoxide n. (Organic chemistry) Any organic compound derived from an alcohol by replacement of a hydrogen atom with…
ALKOXIDE n. a basic salt derived from an alcohol by the replacement of a hydroxyl hydrogen with a metal.
APPENDIXappendix n. (Obsolete in general sense) Something attached to something else; an attachment or accompaniment.
appendix n. A text added to the end of a book or an article, containing additional information.
appendix n. (Anatomy) The vermiform appendix.
AXEBIRDSAXEBIRD n. a kind of nightjar from Queensland, sounding like a chopping axe.
CLIMAXEDclimaxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of climax.
CLIMAX v. to reach a high point.
DEWAXINGdewaxing v. Present participle of dewax.
dewaxing n. A process in which wax is removed from a material or a surface.
DEWAX v. to remove wax from.
DIOXANESdioxanes n. Plural of dioxane.
DIOXANE n. a toxic flammable solvent, also DIOXAN.
DISANNEXdisannex v. (Transitive) To relinquish (Land etc.) previously annexed.
DISANNEX v. to disunite; to undo or repeal the annexation of.
DYSLEXIAdyslexia n. (Neurology, pathology) A learning disability characterized by reading and writing difficulties.
DYSLEXIA n. impairment of the ability to read.
EXAMINEDexamined v. Simple past tense and past participle of examine.
EXAMINE v. to inspect.
EXORDIALexordial adj. Of or relating to an exordium, beginning or introduction.
EXORDIAL adj. pertaining to the exordium of a discourse, introductory.
EXPIATEDexpiated v. Simple past tense and past participle of expiate.
EXPIATE v. to make complete atonement for.
OXIDABLEoxidable adj. (Chemistry) capable of being oxidized, or converted into an oxide.
OXIDABLE adj. capable of being oxidized.
OXIDASESoxidases n. Plural of oxidase.
OXIDASE n. any of a group of enzymes that promote oxidation in plant and animal cells.
OXIDATEDoxidated v. Simple past tense and past participle of oxidate.
OXIDATE v. to combine with oxygen, also OXIDISE, OXIDIZE.
OXIDATESoxidates n. Plural of oxidate.
oxidates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of oxidate.
OXIDATE v. to combine with oxygen, also OXIDISE, OXIDIZE.
PICKAXEDpickaxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pickax.
PICKAX v. to use a tool for breaking hard surfaces, also PICKAXE.
SPADIXESspadixes n. Plural of spadix.
SPADIX n. (Greek) a flower-spike covered by large leaf, as in the arum plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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