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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, C, R and 2U

AURICULAauricula n. (Anatomy) The external part of the ear.
auricula n. (Anatomy) A small conical pouch projecting from either atrium of the heart.
auricula n. (Palynology) A pronounced thickening at the corner of a trilete spore, beyond the end of the laesura.
CLAQUEURclaqueur n. One of the claque employed to applaud at a theatre.
CLAQUEUR n. (French) a member of a claque, also CLAQUER.
COUGUARScouguars n. Plural of couguar.
COUGUAR n. a mountain lion, also COUGAR.
COUMAROUcoumarou n. The tree Dipteryx odorata, which bears the tonka bean.
coumarou n. The tonka bean itself.
COUMAROU n. (Tupi) the seed of a tropical tree, aka tonka bean.
CUBATUREcubature n. The process of determining the solid or cubic contents of a body.
CUBATURE n. the process of finding the cubic content of a body, also CUBAGE.
CULTURALcultural adj. Pertaining to culture.
cultural adj. (Technical) Due to human activity.
CULTURAL adj. relating to culture.
CURCUMASCURCUMA n. (Arabic) any plant of the genus Curcuma (of the ginger family), esp. one yielding turmeric.
FURCULAEfurculae n. Plural of furcula.
furculæ n. (Obsolete) plural of furcula.
FURCULA n. (Latin) the jointed clavicles of a bird, aka wishbone, also FURCULUM.
FURCULARfurcular adj. Shaped like a fork; furcate.
furcular adj. (Anatomy) Relating to a furcula.
FURCULAR adj. shaped like a fork.
MUSCULARmuscular adj. (Relational) Of, relating to, or connected with muscles.
muscular adj. Brawny, thewy, having strength.
muscular adj. Having large, well-developed muscles.
PIRARUCUpirarucu n. A fish, the arapaima (Arapaima gigas).
PIRARUCU n. (Tupi) a large South American fish, aka arapaima.
TURACOUSturacous n. Plural of turacou.
TURACOU n. an African bird, also TOURACO, TURACO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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