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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, C, Q, T and U

ACQUAINTacquaint v. (Transitive, followed by with) To furnish or give experimental knowledge of; to make (one) know; to make familiar.
acquaint v. (Transitive, archaic, followed by of or that) To communicate notice to; to inform; let know.
acquaint v. (Transitive, obsolete) To familiarize; to accustom.
ACQUESTSacquests n. Plural of acquest.
ACQUEST n. a thing acquired; specifically property gained otherwise than by inheritance, also ACQUIST.
ACQUIGHTACQUIGHT v. (obsolete) to free from a charge, also ACQUIT, ACQUITE.
ACQUISTSacquists n. Plural of acquist.
ACQUIST n. a thing acquired; specifically property gained otherwise than by inheritance, also ACQUEST.
ACQUITESacquites v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acquite (Obsolete spelling of acquits.).
ACQUITE v. (obsolete) to free from a charge, also ACQUIT, ACQUIGHT.
AQUATICSaquatics n. Plural of aquatic.
aquatics n. Sports involving water.
AQUATIC n. an organism living in or near water.
AQUEDUCTaqueduct n. An artificial channel that is constructed to convey water from one location to another.
aqueduct n. A structure carrying water over a river or depression, especially in regards to ancient aqueducts.
aqueduct n. (Anatomy) A structure conveying fluid, such as the cerebral aqueduct or vestibular aqueduct.
CHAQUETACHAQUETA n. (Spanish) a jacket worn by cowboys.
COEQUATEcoequate v. (Transitive) To make equal to each other.
COEQUATE v. to equate with something else.
COTQUEANcotquean n. Alternative form of cot-quean.
cot-quean n. (Obsolete, derogatory) A man who performs tasks that traditionally belong to a woman; an effeminate man.
cot-quean n. (Obsolete, derogatory) A female cuckold; a cuckquean.
CUMQUATScumquats n. Plural of cumquat.
CUMQUAT n. (Chinese) any of several small yellow to orange citrus fruits, also KUMQUAT.
QUANTICSquantics n. Plural of quantic.
QUANTIC n. a kind of mathematical function.
QUARTICSquartics n. Plural of quartic.
QUARTIC n. a function, curve or surface of the fourth degree.
QUATCHEDQUATCH v. (dialect) to stir, move, also QUETCH, QUICH, QUINCHE, QUITCH.
QUATCHESQUATCH v. (dialect) to stir, move, also QUETCH, QUICH, QUINCHE, QUITCH.
RACQUETSracquets n. Plural of racquet.
racquets n. A game for two or four players, played in an enclosed court with a small hard fast-moving ball.
racquets v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of racquet.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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