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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, C, 2O and Y

ARCOLOGYarcology n. (Urban studies, uncountable) Urban development theory proposed by Paolo Soleri involving three-dimensional…
arcology n. (Countable) An extremely large habitat or settlement, sufficient to maintain an internal ecology as…
ARCOLOGY n. a system of architecture that integrates buildings with the environment.
CACODOXYcacodoxy n. Incorrect doctrine or opinions.
CACODOXY n. incorrect doctrine, heresy.
CACOLOGYcacology n. (Uncommon) Poor diction or choice of words.
CACOLOGY n. a bad choice of words.
CARTOONYcartoony adj. Having the style of a cartoon.
CARTOONY adj. resembling a cartoon.
CHANOYOSCHANOYO n. (Japanese) a Japanese tea ceremony, also CHADO, SADO, CHANOYU.
CHAOLOGYchaology n. (Physics, mathematics) The study of chaos and chaotic systems.
CHAOLOGY n. the study of chaos.
CHAYROOTchayroot n. Alternative form of chay root.
chay␣root n. The root of Oldenlandia umbellata, native to India, which yields a durable red dyestuff.
CHAYROOT n. the root of the chay, an Indian plant of the madder family.
COCOYAMScocoyams n. Plural of cocoyam.
COCOYAM n. a tropical tuber.
COLORWAYcolorway n. (Art) Any of the schemes of two or more colors in which a design is available. It is often used to describe…
COLORWAY n. an arrangement of colors.
CORONARYcoronary adj. (Obsolete) Pertaining to a crown or garland.
coronary adj. (Anatomy) Encircling something (like a crown), especially with regard to the arteries or veins of the heart.
coronary n. (Anatomy, medicine) Any of the coronary vessels; a coronary artery or coronary vein.
MACCOBOYmaccoboy n. Alternative form of maccaboy.
MACCOBOY n. a type of snuff, also MACCABOY, MACCABAW.
OCTAPODYoctapody n. (Prosody) A metre or verse of eight feet.
OCTAPODY n. in verse, a line of eight feet.
OCTONARYoctonary adj. Of eighth rank or order.
octonary adj. Consisting of eight things.
octonary n. A group of eight things.
ZOOCYTIAzoocytia n. Plural of zoocytium.
ZOOCYTIUM n. (Greek) a hollow vessel.
ZOOMANCYzoomancy n. Divination by means of animals.
ZOOMANCY n. (Greek) divination by observing animals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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