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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, C and 3L

BALLCLAYballclay n. Alternative form of ball clay.
ball␣clay n. A type of clay that commonly consists of 20-80% kaolinite, 10-25% mica, and 6-65% quartz.
BALLCLAY n. a fine-textured highly plastic clay used for ceramics.
CALLABLEcallable adj. (Programming) That can be called.
callable adj. (Finance) That may be redeemed by its holder before it matures.
callable n. (Programming) An object of a type that can be called, such as a function.
CALLALOOcallaloo n. Any of various tropical plants grown in the Americas, especially of the genera Amaranthus and Xanthosoma…
callaloo n. A spicy soup or stew made from such leaves.
CALLALOO n. (Caribbean) a soup made with greens, onions and crabmeat, also CALALOO, CALALU, CALLALOU.
CALLALOUcallalou n. Alternative spelling of callaloo.
CALLALOU n. (Caribbean) a crabmeat soup, also CALALOO, CALALU, CALLALOO.
CALLOWLYcallowly adv. In a callow manner.
CALLOW adv. immature.
CELLULARcellular adj. Of, relating to, consisting of, or resembling a cell or cells.
cellular n. (US, informal) A cellular phone (mobile phone).
CELLULAR adj. pertaining to a cell.
CLINALLYclinally adv. In the form of a gradation.
CLINAL adv. pertaining to a cline, a gradual geographical change in the colour or morphology of a species.
CLITELLAclitella n. Plural of clitellum.
CLITELLUM n. (Latin) a region in the body walls of certain annelid worms.
CLONALLYclonally adv. (Chiefly botany) By means of asexual reproduction.
clonally adv. By means of cellular or molecular cloning; in a clonal way.
CLONAL adv. relating to a clone.
COALBALLcoalball n. Alternative form of coal ball.
coal␣ball n. A nodule of plant material permeated with minerals found mostly in bituminous and anthracite coal seams.
COALBALL n. a calcareous nodule found in coal.
HALLUCALhallucal adj. Of or pertaining to the hallux.
HALLUCAL adj. relating to the hallux, the big toe.
LAICALLYlaically adv. As a layman.
LAICAL adv. of or pertaining to a layman or the laity.
POLLICALpollical adj. (Anatomy) of the thumb.
POLLICAL adj. relating to a pollex.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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