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There are 17 eight-letter words containing A, C, I, O and X

ANOREXICanorexic adj. Pertaining to, or suffering from anorexia nervosa.
anorexic adj. (By extension) Thin, skinny, insubstantial.
anorexic n. Somebody suffering from anorexia nervosa.
ANOXEMICanoxemic adj. Alternative form of anoxaemic.
ANOXEMIC adj. relating to anoxemia, a disorder of the blood, also ANOXAEMIC.
CACOMIXLcacomixl n. Alternative spelling of cacomistle (Bassariscus spp.).
CACOMIXL n. (Nahuatl) a North American carnivore, about the size of a cat, related to the raccoons, also CACOMISTLE, CACOMIXLE.
COAXINGScoaxings n. Plural of coaxing.
COAXING n. the act of persuading.
COXALGIAcoxalgia n. Pain in the hip.
COXALGIA n. pain in the hip, also COXALGY.
COXALGICcoxalgic adj. Relating to coxalgia.
COXALGIC adj. pertaining to pain in the hip.
COXSWAINcoxswain n. In a ship’s boat, the helmsman given charge of the boat’s crew.
coxswain n. (Rowing) The member of a crew who steers the shell and coordinates the power and rhythm of the rowers.
coxswain n. (Archaic) The second or third mate of a vessel, in charge of the master’s barge.
DOXASTICdoxastic adj. Of, pertaining to, or depending on opinion; conjectural. Example 1794 T. Taylor tr. Plotinus Five Bks…
DOXASTIC adj. of or relating to the branch of logic concerned with belief.
EXACTIONexaction n. The act of demanding with authority, and compelling to pay or yield; compulsion to give or furnish;…
exaction n. Extortion.
exaction n. That which is exacted; a severe tribute; a fee, reward, or contribution, demanded or levied with severity…
EXOGAMICexogamic adj. Of or pertaining to exogamy.
EXOGAMIC adj. relating to exogamy, also EXOGAMOUS.
HEXANOIChexanoic adj. Of or pertaining to hexanoic acid or its derivatives; caproic.
HEXANOIC adj. as in hexanoic acid, a component of palm oil.
MAXICOATmaxicoat n. A woman’s long coat.
MAXICOAT n. a long coat.
OXIDASICoxidasic adj. Of or relating to oxidase.
OXIDASIC adj. of or like an oxidase, a group of enzymes that promote oxidation in plant and animal cells.
OXYACIDSoxyacids n. Plural of oxyacid.
OXYACID n. an acid that contains oxygen.
SAXICOLESAXICOLE adj. living or growing among rocks, also SAXATILE.
TOXAEMICtoxaemic adj. Alternative spelling of toxemic.
toxæmic adj. Obsolete form of toxemic.
TOXAEMIC adj. relating to toxaemia, blood poisoning due to toxins in blood, also TOXEMIC.
TOXICANTtoxicant adj. Capable of causing damage or dysfunction by toxicity; (broadly) poisonous.
toxicant n. A toxic or poisonous substance.
TOXICANT n. a poisonous substance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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