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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, C, 2H and L

CHALLAHSchallahs n. Plural of challah.
CHALLAH n. (Hebrew) a loaf of white leavened bread, often plaited in form, traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, also CHALAH, CHALEH, CHALLA, HALLAH.
CHALLOTHchalloth n. Plural of challah.
CHALLAH n. (Hebrew) a loaf of white leavened bread, often plaited in form, traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, also CHALAH, CHALEH, CHALLA, HALLAH.
HALACHAShalachas n. Plural of halacha.
Halachas n. Plural of Halacha.
HALACHA n. (Hebrew) the legal part of the Talmud, also HALAKAH, HALAKHA, HALAKHAH.
HALACHIChalachic adj. Of or pertaining to Halacha (Jewish law).
halachic adj. In accordance with Halacha.
HALACHIC adj. (Hebrew) relating to halacha, the legal component of the Jewish oral tradition, also HALAKHIC, HALAKIC.
HALACHOThalachot n. Plural of halacha.
Halachot n. Plural of Halacha.
HALACHA n. (Hebrew) the legal part of the Talmud, also HALAKAH, HALAKHA, HALAKHAH.
HALAKHIChalakhic adj. Alternative spelling of halachic.
HALAKHIC adj. (Hebrew) pertaining to the halakha, the legal component of the Jewish oral tradition, also HALACHIC, HALAKIC.
HATCHELShatchels n. Plural of hatchel.
HATCHEL v. to separate flax fibres with a comb, also HACKLE, HECKLE.
HOLARCHYholarchy n. (Philosophy) A connection between holons (things that are both a part and a whole).
HOLARCHY n. a system of interacting holons.
MASHLOCHmashloch n. (Scotland, obsolete) A type of low-quality bread made from flour and other grains.
PHTHALICphthalic adj. (Chemistry) of, relating to, or derived from naphthalene or phthalic acid.
PHTHALIC adj. pertaining to, or designating, a dibasic acid obtained by the oxidation of naphthalene and allied substances.
PHYLARCHphylarch n. (Historical) The ruler of a phyle in Ancient Greece.
phylarch n. (Historical) An Athenian hipparch, head of an Athenian clan in battle.
phylarch n. A tribal chief, magistrate, or other local ruler.
RHACHIALRHACHIAL adj. pertaining to the spinal column.
RHONCHALrhonchal adj. Alternative form of rhonchial.
RHONCHAL adj. of or relating to snoring, also RHONCHIAL.
SHAUCHLEshauchle v. (Scotland, intransitive) To shamble.
shauchle v. (Scotland, transitive) To distort or deform.
SHAUCHLE v. (Scots) to shuffle.
SHAUCHLYSHAUCHLY adj. shuffling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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