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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, C, G, N and V

CARVINGScarvings n. Plural of carving.
CARVING n. a carved figure or design.
CAVILINGcaviling v. Present participle of cavil.
caviling n. Cavilation.
CAVIL v. to raise trivial and frivolous objections.
CLEAVINGcleaving v. Present participle of cleave.
cleaving adj. That cleaves.
cleaving n. The act of one who cleaves, splits, or severs.
CRAVINGScravings n. Plural of craving.
CRAVING n. a great desire.
ENCAVINGencaving v. Present participle of encave.
ENCAVE v. (Shakespeare) to secrete, also INCAVE.
GALVANICgalvanic adj. Of or pertaining to galvanism; electric.
galvanic adj. (By extension) Energetic; vigorous.
galvanic adj. Of a current that is not alternating, as opposed to faradic.
INCAVINGincaving v. Present participle of incave.
INCAVE v. (Shakespeare) to secrete, also ENCAVE.
SCAVENGEscavenge v. (Transitive) To collect and remove refuse, or to search through refuse, carrion, or abandoned items…
scavenge v. (Transitive) To remove unwanted material from something, especially to purify molten metal by removing impurities.
scavenge v. (Transitive) To expel the exhaust gases from the cylinder of an internal combustion engine, and draw…
VACATINGvacating v. Present participle of vacate.
VACATE v. to make vacant.
VAGRANCYvagrancy n. The state of being a vagrant.
VAGRANCY n. the state of being a vagrant.
VAUCHINGVAUCH v. (dialect) to move fast.
VAUNCINGvauncing v. Present participle of vaunce.
VAUNCE v. (Spenser) to advance.
VICINAGEvicinage n. (Now rare) A surrounding district; a neighbourhood.
vicinage n. (Now rare) The people of a neighbourhood.
vicinage n. The state of living near something; proximity, closeness.
VICUGNASvicugnas n. Plural of vicugna.
VICUGNA n. (Quechua) a wild wool-bearing llama-like animal of the Andes, also VICUNA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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