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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, C, G and 2L

AGALLOCHagalloch n. The soft, aromatic, resinous wood of Aquilaria malaccensis (formerly Aquilaria agallocha).
AGALLOCH n. (Greek) the fragrant wood of a tropical tree, also AGALWOOD.
ALGUACILALGUACIL n. (Arabic) a Spanish arresting officer, also ALGUAZIL.
ALLERGICallergic adj. Of or pertaining to allergy.
allergic adj. Having an allergy.
allergic adj. Excessively sensitive; susceptible.
ALOGICALalogical adj. Not based upon logic or reasoned argument.
alogical adj. Opposed to logic.
ALOGICAL adj. outside the domain of logic.
BLACKLEGblackleg n. (Uncountable, agriculture, veterinary medicine) A fatal cattle disease caused by the soil-borne bacterium…
blackleg n. (Countable) A person who cheats in a game; a cheater, especially a dishonest bookmaker.
blackleg n. (Countable) A person who takes the place of striking workers; a scab.
CALLINGScallings n. Plural of calling.
CALLING n. a vocation or profession.
COLLAGEDcollaged adj. Glued together in the manner of a collage.
collaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of collage.
COLLAGE v. (French) to arrange materials in an artistic way.
COLLAGENcollagen n. (Biochemistry) Any of more than 28 types of glycoprotein that form elongated fibers, usually found in…
COLLAGEN n. a fibrous protein that is the chief constituent of connective tissue and yields gelatin on boiling.
COLLAGEScollages n. Plural of collage.
collages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of collage.
COLLAGE v. (French) to arrange materials in an artistic way.
COLLEGIAcollegia n. Plural of collegium.
COLLEGIUM n. (Latin) a Soviet executive council.
CUPGALLScup␣galls n. Plural of cup gall.
CUPGALL n. a cup-shaped gall in oakleaves.
GALLICANGallican adj. Relating to Gaul or France; Gallic; French.
Gallican adj. Relating to the French Roman Catholic church, especially before the late 19th century.
Gallican adj. Relating to Gallicanism.
GALLICASgallicas n. Plural of gallica.
GALLICA n. a variety of rose.
GLACIALSglacials n. Plural of glacial.
GLACIAL n. a glacial period.
GRALLOCHgralloch n. (Britain, rare) The entrails or offal of a dead deer.
gralloch v. (Britain, rare) To eviscerate a deer.
GRALLOCH v. (Gaelic) to gut, especially a deer.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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