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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, C, F, H and U

CHARMFULcharmful adj. Abounding with charms.
CHARMFUL adj. full of charm.
CHAUFERSCHAUFER n. a metal box for holding fire, also CHAUFFER.
CHAUFFEDchauffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chauf.
chauffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chauff.
CHAUFF v. (Spenser) to chafe, also CHAUFE.
CHAUFFERchauffer n. A small, portable stove.
chauffer n. A chafing dish.
chauffer n. (Chemistry) A table stove or small furnace, usually a cylindrical box of sheet iron, with a grate at…
CHAUFINGCHAUFE v. (Spenser) to chafe.
FAROUCHEfarouche adj. Sullen or recalcitrant.
FAROUCHE adj. (French) shy or ill at ease.
FAUCHIONfauchion n. Obsolete form of falchion.
FAUCHION n. a curved short sword with a broad blade, also FALCHION, FAUCHON, FAULCHION.
FAUCHONSfauchons n. Plural of fauchon.
FAUCHON n. a curved short sword with a broad blade, also FALCHION, FAUCHION, FAULCHION.
FUCHSIASfuchsias n. Plural of fuchsia.
FUCHSIA n. a flowering shrub.
FUCKHEADfuckhead n. (Vulgar, derogatory) A stupid or otherwise undesirable person.
FUCKHEAD n. (offensive) a contemptibly stupid person.
HANDCUFFhandcuff n. One ring of a locking fetter for the hand or one pair.
handcuff v. To apply handcuffs to.
handcuff v. (Figuratively) to restrain or restrict.
HEADFUCKheadfuck n. (Slang, vulgar) Anything confusing that interferes with the usual functioning of the brain.
HEADFUCK n. (vulgar) a wildly exciting experience.
WATCHFULwatchful adj. Fully observant, vigilant, or aware.
WATCHFUL adj. closely observant or alert.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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