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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, C, 2D and H

ACIDHEADacidhead n. (Slang, derogatory) A person who uses the hallucinogenic drug LSD.
ACIDHEAD n. a person who takes hallucinogenic drugs.
CHADDARSchaddars n. Plural of chaddar.
CHADDAR n. (Persian) the large veil worn by Muslim women, also CHADAR, CHADDOR, CHADOR, CHUDDAH, CHUDDAR, CHUDDER.
CHADDORSchaddors n. Plural of chaddor.
CHADDOR n. (Persian) the large veil worn by Muslim women, also CHADAR, CHADDAR, CHADOR, CHUDDAH, CHUDDAR, CHUDDER.
CHEDDARScheddars n. Plural of cheddar.
cheddars v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cheddar.
CHEDDAR n. any of several types of smooth hard yellow or whitish cheese.
CHEDDARYcheddary adj. Resembling cheddar cheese in taste, texture, etc.
CHEDDARY adj. like cheddar, any of several types of smooth hard yellow or whitish cheese.
CHUDDAHSchuddahs n. Plural of chuddah.
CHUDDAH n. (Persian) the large veil worn by Muslim women, also CHADAR, CHADDAR, CHADDOR, CHADOR, CHUDDAR, CHUDDER.
CHUDDARSchuddars n. Plural of chuddar.
CHUDDAR n. (Persian) the large veil worn by Muslim women, also CHADAR, CHADDAR, CHADDOR, CHADOR, CHUDDAH, CHUDDER.
CLADDAGHCladdagh prop.n. An area in Galway.
Claddagh n. Claddagh ring.
CLADDAGH n. (Irish) an Irish ring with two hands clasping, traditionally given as a token of affection.
COHEADEDcoheaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of cohead.
COHEAD v. to head jointly.
DECKHANDdeckhand n. (Nautical) A member of the crew of a merchant ship who performs manual labour.
deckhand n. (Theater) A stagehand.
deckhand v. (Intransitive) To work on a boat as a deckhand; crew.
DETACHEDdetached adj. Not physically attached; separated from something it could connect to.
detached adj. Of a house: not joined to another house on either side.
detached adj. Having or showing no bias or emotional involvement; disinterested.
DIADOCHIdiadochi n. Alternative letter-case form of Diadochi.
Diadochi n. (History) The rival generals of Alexander the Great who fought for control over his empire after his death in 323 BCE.
DIADOCHI n. (Greek) the generals who became monarchs of the various kingdoms into which the empire was split after the death of Alexander the Great.
DIADOCHYdiadochy n. The capability of an atom to replace another in a particular crystal structure.
DIADOCHY n. the replacement of one element of a crystal by another.
DICKHEADdickhead n. (Vulgar, colloquial, derogatory) A jerk; a mean or rude person.
dickhead n. (Vulgar, colloquial) The glans penis.
dickhead n. (Vulgar, colloquial, derogatory) A stupid or useless person.
DIDRACHMdidrachm n. Alternative form of didrachma.
DIDRACHM n. (Greek) a two-drachma piece, also DIDRACHMA.
DOCKHANDdockhand n. Someone who works at a dock.
DOCKHAND n. one who works on the docks.
HADDOCKShaddocks n. Plural of haddock.
Haddocks prop.n. Plural of Haddock.
HADDOCK n. a North Atlantic food fish, similar to but smaller than the cod, also HADDIE.
HYDRACIDhydracid n. (Chemistry) An acid that does not contain any oxygen as opposed to an oxyacid; they are all binary compounds…
HYDRACID n. an oxygenless acid.
SHADDOCKshaddock n. Synonym of pomelo, in all its senses including (inexact) grapefruit.
Shaddock prop.n. A surname.
SHADDOCK n. a grapefruit-like tree and fruit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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