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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, 2C and 2R

ACCORDERaccorder n. (Rare) One who accords.
ACCORDER n. one who accords.
CARACARAcaracara n. Any of several South American and Central American birds of prey in the family Falconidae.
Caracara prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Falconidae – certain caracaras.
Cara␣Cara n. A kind of red-fleshed early-to-mid-season navel orange.
CARCERALcarceral adj. (Formal or literary) Of or pertaining to imprisonment or a prison.
CARCERAL adj. pertaining to prison.
CARRACKScarracks n. Plural of carrack.
CARRACK n. (historical) a large ship of burden, also CARACK, CARRACT, CARRECT.
CARRACTSCARRACT n. (historical) a large ship of burden, also CARACK, CARRACK, CARRECT.
CARRECTSCARRECT n. (historical) a large ship of burden, also CARACK, CARRACK, CARRACT.
CARRITCHcarritch n. (Scotland, chiefly in the plural) A catechism.
CARRITCH n. (Scots) a catechism.
CARRYCOTcarrycot n. A rectangular, box-shaped bed with handles, in which a baby can be carried while asleep.
CARRYCOT n. a cot for carrying a baby in.
CERCARIAcercaria n. The parasitic larva of trematodes that infect the final host generally.
CERCARIA n. (Greek) the final larval stage of many trematode worms.
CIRCULARcircular adj. Of or relating to a circle.
circular adj. In the shape of, or moving in a circle.
circular adj. Circuitous or roundabout.
CORNACREcornacre n. Alternative form of conacre.
CORNACRE n. the letting by a tenant of small portions of land prepared for crop or grazing, also CONACRE.
CRACKERScrackers n. Plural of cracker.
crackers n. (South Africa, only plural) A kind of noisy leather pants or trousers.
crackers adj. (UK, colloquial) Crazy, insane.
CRACKIERcrackier adj. Comparative form of cracky: more cracky.
CRACKY adj. full of cracks.
CURRACHScurrachs n. Plural of currach.
CURRACH n. (Irish) a long-shaped boat similar to a coracle, also CURAGH, CURRAGH.
MICROCARmicrocar n. A very compact car.
MICROCAR n. a compact small-engined car.
RACECARDracecard n. (Sports) Alternative form of race card.
race␣card n. (Sports) A printed card or pamphlet giving information about a series of horse races and listing the…
race␣card n. The invocation of a person’s race in a discussion in order to score points in that discussion.
RICERCARricercar n. An instrumental musical composition, fugal in style but in a more serious character and with longer notes.
RICERCAR n. any of various contrapuntal instrumental forms esp. of the 16th and 17th centuries, also RICERCARE, RICERCATA.
RICKRACKrickrack n. A zigzag trim sewn to clothes for decoration.
RICKRACK n. a braid used in trimming, also RICRAC.
TRICTRACtrictrac n. Alternative form of ticktack (“kind of backgammon”).
TRICTRAC n. a form of backgammon in which pegs as well as pieces are used, also TRICKTRACK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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