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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, 2C, L and M

ACCLAIMSacclaims n. Plural of acclaim.
acclaims v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acclaim.
ACCLAIM v. to shout approval of.
ACICULUMaciculum n. (Botany, zoology) A needlelike spine or bristle, specially the seta of an annelid.
ACICULUM n. (Latin) a bristlelike part.
ALCHEMICalchemic adj. Alchemical.
ALCHEMIC adj. relating to alchemy.
CACOMIXLcacomixl n. Alternative spelling of cacomistle (Bassariscus spp.).
CACOMIXL n. (Nahuatl) a North American carnivore, about the size of a cat, related to the raccoons, also CACOMISTLE, CACOMIXLE.
CALCIUMScalciums n. Plural of calcium.
CALCIUM n. a metallic element.
CHEMICALchemical adj. Of or relating to chemistry.
chemical adj. Of or relating to a material or processes not commonly found in nature or in a particular product.
chemical adj. (Obsolete) Of or relating to alchemy.
CLAMANCYclamancy n. Urgency.
CLAMANCY n. urgency.
CLIMATICclimatic adj. Of, relating to, or influenced by climate.
CLIMATIC adj. pertaining to climate.
COSMICALcosmical adj. (Archaic) Cosmic.
cosmical adj. (Astronomy, dated) Rising or setting with the sun; not acronycal.
COSMICAL adj. pertaining to the cosmos, also COSMIC.
CYCLAMENcyclamen n. Any of various flowering plants, of the genus Cyclamen, widely cultivated as a houseplant, having decorative…
Cyclamen prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Primulaceae – the cyclamens.
CYCLAMEN n. a primulaceous flowering plant.
CYCLAMICcyclamic adj. (Organic chemistry) Synonym of cyclohexylsulfamic.
CYCLAMIC adj. as in cyclamic acid, an acid used in the produciton of paints and plastics.
MALACCASMalaccas n. Plural of Malacca.
MALACCA n. (Malay) the cane of an Asian rattan palm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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