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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, 2C, D and T

ACCENTEDaccented v. Simple past tense and past participle of accent.
ACCENT v. to pronounce with prominence.
ACCEPTEDaccepted v. Simple past tense and past participle of accept.
accepted adj. Generally approved, believed, or recognized.
ACCEPT v. to receive with favour.
ACCIDENTaccident n. An unexpected event with negative consequences occurring without the intention of the one suffering…
accident n. (Transport) A collision or crash of a vehicle, aircraft, or other form of transportation that causes…
accident n. Any chance event.
ACCOSTEDaccosted adj. (Heraldry) Supported on both sides by other charges; also, side by side.
accosted v. Simple past tense and past participle of accost.
ACCOST v. to approach and speak to.
ACCREDITaccredit v. (Transitive) To ascribe; attribute; credit with.
accredit v. (Transitive) To put or bring into credit; to invest with credit or authority; to sanction.
accredit v. (Transitive) To send with letters credential, as an ambassador, envoy, or diplomatic agent; to authorize…
ACCRETEDaccreted v. Simple past tense and past participle of accrete.
ACCRETE v. to grow together.
ACIDOTICacidotic adj. (Pathology) Having depressed alkalinity of blood or tissue.
ACIDOTIC adj. pertaining to an abnormal blood acid.
BACCATEDbaccated adj. Having many berries.
baccated adj. (Obsolete) Set or adorned with pearls.
BACCATED adj. having berries; berrylike, also BACCATE.
CACHETEDcacheted v. Simple past tense and past participle of cachet.
CACHET v. (French) to print a design on an envelope.
CADUCITYcaducity n. Dotage or senility.
caducity n. The state of being impermanent or transitory.
CADUCITY n. the quality of being transitory or perishable.
CARDITICcarditic adj. Having or relating to carditis.
CARDITIC adj. relating to carditis.
CATHODICcathodic adj. (Anatomy) Proceeding from a nerve centre; efferent.
cathodic adj. (Physics) Of or pertaining to a cathode.
CLATCHEDclatched v. Simple past tense and past participle of clatch.
CLATCH v. (Scots) to dabble or work into a miry matter.
DACTYLICdactylic adj. (Prosody) of or consisting of dactyls.
dactylic n. A dactylic verse.
DACTYLIC adj. consisting chiefly or wholly of, dactyls, also DACTYLAR.
DICACITYdicacity n. (Obsolete) pertness; sauciness.
DICACITY n. (archaic) raillery, banter.
DICASTICdicastic adj. Of or relating to a dicast.
DICASTIC adj. relating to the old Athenian dicast system of choosing jurors.
DIDACTICdidactic adj. Instructive or intended to teach or demonstrate, especially with regard to morality.
didactic adj. Excessively moralizing.
didactic adj. (Medicine) Teaching from textbooks rather than laboratory demonstration and clinical application.
STICCADOsticcado n. (Music) A musical instrument resembling a xylophone.
STICCADO n. (Italian) an instrument like a xylophone, also STICCATO.
STOCCADOstoccado n. (Obsolete) A stab with a pointed weapon.
STOCCADO n. (Italian) a stab; a straight thrust with a rapier, also STOCCATA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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