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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, B, O, P and U

BEAUCOUPbeaucoup det. (US, informal) Much, many, a lot of.
beaucoup n. An abundance.
beaucoup adv. In abundance.
BIPAROUSbiparous adj. Producing two offspring from one pregnancy; twinning.
BIPAROUS adj. producing offspring in twos.
CUPBOARDcupboard n. (Obsolete) A board or table used to openly hold and display silver plate and other dishware; a sideboard; a buffet.
cupboard n. (Obsolete) Things displayed on a sideboard; dishware, particularly valuable plate.
cupboard n. A cabinet, closet, or other piece of furniture with shelves intended for storing cookware, dishware…
EUPHOBIAeuphobia n. Fear of hearing good news.
EUPHOBIA n. a fear of good news.
PABOUCHEpabouche n. Alternative form of baboosh.
PABOUCHE n. (French) an Oriental heelless slipper, also BABOOSH, BABOUCHE, BABUCHE.
PABULOUSpabulous adj. (Obsolete) nourishing.
PABULOUS adj. of or relating to nourishment, also PABULAR.
PLUMBAGOplumbago n. (Botany) A plant of the genus Plumbago; leadwort.
plumbago n. (Mineralogy, now chiefly historical) Graphite.
Plumbago prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Plumbaginaceae – the leadworts.
POURABLEpourable adj. Able to be poured.
pourable adj. Liquid, with viscosity allowing to be poured, or solid with particles not strongly adhering to each…
pourable n. Any substance that can be poured.
SUBPOENAsubpoena n. (Law, historical) A writ requiring a defendant to appear in court to answer a plaintiff’s claim.
subpoena n. (Law) A writ requiring someone to appear in court to give testimony.
subpoena v. (Transitive) To summon with a subpoena.
SUBPOLARsubpolar adj. Situated below the poles.
SUBPOLAR adj. situated just outside the polar circles.
SUBTOPIAsubtopia n. Sprawling suburbs, collectively.
SUBTOPIA n. the suburbs of a city.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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