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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, B, 2O and Y

AUTOBODYautobody n. Alternative form of auto body.
auto␣body n. The outer shell of a car, as opposed to the chassis.
AUTOBODY n. the shell of a motor vehicle.
BABYFOODbabyfood n. Alternative form of baby food.
baby␣food n. A food designed for babies, usually of very soft consistency.
BABYFOOD n. food prepared for babies.
BABYHOODbabyhood n. The state or period of infancy.
BABYHOOD n. the state of being an infant.
BABYMOONbabymoon n. A period of calm spent together by a newborn baby and its parents.
babymoon n. A last vacation taken by expectant parents before a baby is born.
babymoon v. To travel on or spend a babymoon.
BALLYHOOballyhoo n. Sensational or clamorous advertising or publicity.
ballyhoo n. Noisy shouting or uproar.
ballyhoo v. To sensationalise or make grand claims.
BATOLOGYbatology n. (Botany) The scientific study of plants in the genus Rubus, commonly known as brambles.
BATOLOGY n. the study of brambles.
BAYWOODSBAYWOOD n. a coarse mahogany.
BOOGYMANboogyman n. Alternative spelling of bogeyman.
BOOGYMAN n. a terrifying creature, also BOGEYMAN, BOGYMAN.
BOONGARYboongary n. A tree kangaroo of northern Queensland.
BOONGARY n. (Native Australian) a tree kangaroo from Queensland.
BRYOZOANbryozoan n. (Zoology) A member of the phylum Bryozoa of aquatic, usually colonial invertebrates.
bryozoan adj. (Zoology) Pertaining to the Bryozoa.
BRYOZOAN n. a type of small aquatic animal, also POLYZOAN.
DAYBOOKSdaybooks n. Plural of daybook.
day␣books n. Plural of day book.
DAYBOOK n. an account-book in which esp. sale transactions are entered at once for later transfer to a ledger.
FOYBOATSfoyboats n. Plural of foyboat.
FOYBOAT n. on Tyneside, a small rowing boat.
GOOMBAYSgoombays n. Plural of goombay.
GOOMBAY n. calypso music of the Bahamas.
KABLOOEYkablooey n. (Colloquial) Alternative spelling of kablooie.
KABLOOEY interj. an interjection expressing an abrupt happening, also KABLOOIE.
MACCOBOYmaccoboy n. Alternative form of maccaboy.
MACCOBOY n. a type of snuff, also MACCABOY, MACCABAW.
OBLATORYoblatory adj. Of or pertaining to oblation; oblational.
OBLATORY adj. relating to oblation.
PLAYBOOKplaybook n. A book containing the text of a play or plays.
playbook n. A book of games and amusements for children.
playbook n. (US, American football) A book of strategies (plays) for use in American football (and by extension…
TABOOLEYtabooley n. Alternative spelling of tabbouleh.
TABOOLEY n. (Arabic) a kind of Lebanese salad, also TABBOULEH, TABBOULI, TABOULEH, TABOULI, TABULI.
YEARBOOKyearbook n. (Countable) A reference book, published annually.
yearbook n. (Countable, US, education) A publication compiled by the graduating class of a high school or college…
yearbook n. (Uncountable, US, education) A school subject in which students learn journalistic skills by compiling a yearbook.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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