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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, B, L and 2N

BALLONNEBALLONNE n. (French) a kind of ballet jump.
BANNABLEbannable adj. That can be, or is liable to be, banned.
bannable adj. For which one may be banned.
BANNABLE adj. able to be banned.
BANNEROLbannerol n. Alternative form of banderole.
BANNEROL n. a streamer, also BANDEROL.
BANTLINGbantling n. (Archaic, UK dialectal) An infant or young child.
bantling n. (Archaic) A bastard-child.
bantling n. (Archaic, derogatory) A brat.
BIANNUALbiannual adj. Occurring twice a year; semiannual.
biannual adj. (Proscribed) Occurring once every two years; biennial.
biannual n. Something occurring twice each year.
BIENNALEbiennale n. A biennial celebration or exhibition.
BIENNALE n. (Italian) an international arts festival held in Venice every two years.
BIENNIALbiennial adj. Happening every two years.
biennial adj. Lasting for two years.
biennial n. A plant that requires two years to complete its life-cycle, germinating and growing in its first year…
BINNACLEbinnacle n. (Nautical) The wooden housing for a ship’s compass, with its corrector magnets and illuminating arrangements…
binnacle n. The instrument cluster on a car or motorcycle.
BINNACLE n. a casing for a ship's compass, also BITTACLE.
BLANDINGblanding v. Present participle of bland.
Blanding prop.n. A surname.
Blanding prop.n. An unincorporated community in Jo Daviess County, Illinois, United States.
BLANKINGblanking v. Present participle of blank.
blanking n. An instance of something being blanked out.
blanking n. A metalworking process to form the rough shape of a sheet-metal workpiece.
CANNIBALcannibal n. An organism which eats others of its own species or kind, especially a human who eats human flesh.
CANNIBAL adj. practising cannibalism.
CANNIBAL n. one who eats his own kind.
ENABLINGenabling v. Present participle of enable.
enabling n. An act or an instance of something being enabled.
ENABLE v. to make possible.
NOBLEMANnobleman n. A peer; an aristocrat; ranks range from baron to king to emperor.
NOBLEMAN n. a noble.
NONBLACKnonblack adj. Not black in colour.
nonblack adj. Not of African descent; not racially black.
nonblack n. A nonblack person.
NONLABORnonlabor adj. Not of pertaining to labor.
NONLABOR adj. not relating to or concerned with work, also NONLABOUR.
RUNNABLErunnable adj. (Computing) Capable of being run.
runnable adj. (Of a watercourse) That can be navigated by boat.
RUNNABLE adj. fit for hunting.
TANNABLEtannable adj. Suitable to be tanned.
TANNABLE adj. capable of being tanned.
UNBALINGunbaling v. Present participle of unbale.
UNBALE v. to loosen from a compressed bundle.
WINNABLEwinnable adj. Able to be won or achieved.
WINNABLE adj. able to be won.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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