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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, B, K, S and Y

BACKSEYSBACKSEY n. (Scots) sirloin.
BACKSTAYbackstay n. (Nautical) A part of the rigging of a sailing ship extending from masthead the top of the mast to the…
backstay n. A strengthening or supporting piece that is built into the back of something.
BACKSTAY n. a stay extending from ship's mastheads to the side of the ship.
BASHLYKSbashlyks n. Plural of bashlyk.
BASHLYK n. (Russian) a long Russian hood, also BASHLIK.
BASKETRYbasketry n. The process of weaving unspun vegetable fibers to make a basket.
basketry n. Baskets collectively.
BASKETRY n. basket work.
BIKEWAYSbikeways n. Plural of bikeway.
BIKEWAY n. (US) a route set aside for bicycles.
BUYBACKSbuybacks n. Plural of buyback.
buy-backs n. Plural of buy-back.
buy␣backs n. Plural of buy back.
DAYBOOKSdaybooks n. Plural of daybook.
day␣books n. Plural of day book.
DAYBOOK n. an account-book in which esp. sale transactions are entered at once for later transfer to a ledger.
EYEBANKSeye␣banks n. Plural of eye bank.
EYEBANK n. a bank of corneas for corneal grafts.
FLYBACKSflybacks n. Plural of flyback.
fly-backs n. Plural of fly-back.
FLYBACK n. the rapid return of the spot on a cathode ray tube after it finishes a line.
KERBAYASKERBAYA n. (Malay) a blouse worn by Malay women.
KIELBASYkielbasy n. Plural of kielbasa.
KISSABLYkissably adv. In a kissable way.
KISSABLE adv. able to be kissed.
LAYBACKSlaybacks n. Plural of layback.
LAYBACK v. to climb using the layback technique.
PAYBACKSpaybacks n. Plural of payback.
PAYBACK n. a return on an investment equal to the original capital outlay.
SICKBAYSsickbays n. Plural of sickbay.
sick␣bays n. Plural of sick bay.
SICKBAY n. a ship's hospital.
SKYBOARDskyboard n. A lightweight board used in sport similar to a snowboard, usually equipped with foot bindings and a…
SKYBOARD n. a board with foot bindings that is used for skysurfing.
SNEAKSBYsneaksby n. (Obsolete) A paltry person; a sneak.
SNEAKSBY n. (archaic) a sneak.
SWAYBACKswayback n. An excessive sagging of the spine of a quadruped animal, especially a horse.
swayback n. An animal with such excessive sagging.
SWAYBACK n. an abnormal sagging of the back.
WAYBACKSwaybacks n. Plural of wayback.
WAYBACK n. the area in the back of a vehicle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 60 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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