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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, B, K, M and O

ABELMOSKabelmosk n. The edible and aromatic seed pods (properly, capsules) of the Abelmoschus moschatus.
abelmosk n. The tropical evergreen shrub Abelmoschus moschatus itself.
abelmosk n. (Uncommon, usually in the plural) Other members of the genus Abelmoschus, such as okra.
BACKCOMBbackcomb v. To hold hair and comb it towards the head, thus giving it a bushier look.
backcomb n. The hairstyle produced by backcombing.
backcomb n. (Dated) A decorative comb worn as an ornament and to secure a hairstyle.
BACKMOSTbackmost adj. Farthest back.
BACKMOST adj. hindmost.
BACKROOMbackroom n. A room near the rear of a premises, especially one that is only accessible to a privileged few and can…
backroom adj. Of, relating to, or happening in a backroom.
backroom adj. (Figurative) Characterized by secrecy or anonymity.
BOOKMARKbookmark n. A strip of material used to mark a place in a book.
bookmark n. (Computing) A record of the address of a file or Internet page, serving as a shortcut to it.
bookmark n. (Databases) A pointer found in a nonclustered index to a row in a clustered index or a table heap.
BROCKRAMbrockram n. A basal breccia of cemented limestone and sandstone fragments dating from the Permian period, found…
BROCKRAM n. (dialect) fragmented rock, breccia.
COMEBACKcomeback n. A return (E.g. to popularity, success, etc.) after an extended period of obscurity.
comeback n. A retort or answer, particularly a quick or clever one.
comeback n. (Sports) An occurrence of an athlete or sports team in a competition overcoming a substantial disadvantage…
GAMEBOOKgamebook n. A book of games, especially one with an interactive story which unfolds as the reader makes decisions…
gamebook n. (UK) records on shot game (Date, hunter, species, etc.) in a certain area.
GAMEBOOK n. a book of strategies used by a sports team.
KUMBALOIKUMBALOI n. (Modern Greek) worry beads.
MOCKABLEmockable adj. Able to be mocked or ridiculed.
mockable adj. (Software engineering) Of which a mockup or prototype may be made.
MOCKABLE adj. able to be mocked.
MOSSBACKmossback n. (Informal) Synonym of mossyback (“a person with old-fashioned views; hence, one who is very conservative…
mossback n. (Informal, historical) A person who stayed hidden to evade conscription (especially by the Confederate…
mossback n. Senses relating to animals.
SJAMBOKSsjamboks n. Plural of sjambok.
SJAMBOK v. (South African) to beat with a rhinoceros-hide whip, also JAMBOK.
SMOKABLEsmokable adj. Capable of or fit for being smoked (As tobacco, etc.).
smokable n. Something that can be smoked.
SMOKABLE adj. that can be smoked, also SMOKEABLE.
TOMBACKSTOMBACK n. (Malay) an alloy of copper and zinc, also TOMBAC, TAMBAC, TAMBAK, TOMBAK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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