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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing A, B, H, L and P

ALPHABETalphabet n. The set of letters used when writing in a language.
alphabet n. A writing system in which letters represent phonemes. (Contrast e.g. logography, a writing system in…
alphabet n. (Computer science) A typically finite set of distinguishable symbols.
BASOPHILbasophil n. (Cytology) Any cell that has granules stained by basic stains.
BASOPHIL adj. of white blood cells, having an affinity for basic stains, also BASOPHILE, BASOPHILIC.
BASOPHIL n. a basophil cell.
HELPABLEhelpable adj. Capable of being helped.
HELPABLE adj. able to be helped.
PHABLETSphablets n. Plural of phablet.
PHABLET n. a handheld personal computer between a smartphone and a tablet in size and which combines features of both, also FABLET.
PHILABEGphilabeg n. Alternative spelling of philibeg.
PITHBALLpithball n. A ball made of plant pith, used in early experiments with electricity.
PITHBALL n. a pellet of pith.
PUSHBALLpushball n. (Uncountable) A team game where players attempt to push a large inflatable lightweight ball into the…
pushball n. (Countable) The large ball used for this game.
PUSHBALL n. a game in which an enormous ball is pushed.
SHAPABLEshapable adj. Capable of being shaped.
SHAPABLE adj. that may be shaped, also SHAPEABLE.
SUBPHYLAsubphyla n. Plural of subphylum.
SUBPHYLUM n. (Latin) the taxonomic division below a phylum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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