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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, B, G, N and W

BALLGOWNballgown n. A formal gown to be worn by women to balls and similar social events.
ballgown v. (Intransitive, UK, live action role-playing games) To roleplay romance as part of a roleplaying game.
ball␣gown n. Alternative form of ballgown.
BANGALOWbangalow n. Bangalow palm.
BANGALOW n. (Native Australian) an Australian palm-tree.
BATSWINGbatswing n. (Historical) A kind of gas burner with a slit at the top that causes the flame to take the shape of a bat’s wing.
bat's␣wing n. Alternative spelling of batwing.
BATSWING adj. shaped like a bat's wing.
BAWLINGSbawlings n. Plural of bawling.
BAWLING n. loud crying.
BEGNAWEDbegnawed v. Simple past tense and past participle of begnaw.
BEGNAW v. to gnaw.
BEWARINGbewaring v. (Archaic or nonstandard) present participle of beware.
BEWARE v. to be on one's guard.
BOWYANGSbowyangs n. Plural of bowyang.
BOWYANG n. (Australian) a strap tied around a trouser-leg.
BRAWLINGbrawling v. Present participle of brawl.
brawling n. An unruly fight; a brawl.
BRAWLING n. rowdy fighting.
BUNGALOWbungalow n. A single-storey house, typically with rooms all on one level, or sometimes also with upper rooms set…
bungalow n. A thatched or tiled one-story house in India surrounded by a wide veranda; a similar house in this style.
BUNGALOW n. (Hindi) a lightly-built house, properly one with a veranda and one storey.
BUNGWALLbungwall n. A species of fern, Telmatoblechnum indicum, native to Australia and Southeast Asia.
BUNGWALL n. (Native Australian) an Australian fern with an edible rhizome.
GNAWABLEgnawable adj. Capable of being gnawed.
GNAWABLE adj. able to be gnawed.
SWABBINGswabbing v. Present participle of swab.
swabbing n. The act of one who swabs.
SWAB v. to clean with a large mop, also SWOB.
WABBLINGwabbling v. Present participle of wabble.
wabbling n. The motion of something that wabbles.
WABBLE v. to wobble.
WAMBLINGwambling v. Present participle of wamble.
wambling n. (Dialect) A churning of the stomach accompanied by nausea.
WAMBLING adj. moving unsteadily.
WARBLINGwarbling v. Present participle of warble.
warbling n. A sound that warbles.
WARBLING adj. making a warbling sound.
WHIZBANGwhizbang n. (Dated) A type of firework that made a whiz before exploding.
whizbang n. (Dated) A small artillery shell.
whizbang n. (By extension) Someone or something that holds an explosive amount of success, skill or effectiveness.
WINDBAGSwindbags n. Plural of windbag.
WINDBAG n. a talkative person.
WINGBACKwingback n. (Soccer) A player who doubles on either side of the center as a defender when their team is defending…
wingback n. (American football) A running back who is in formation near the line of scrimmage and outside the tackles, a slotback.
wingback n. One of the projecting side pieces on a wingback chair.
WINGBEATwingbeat n. A single stroke made in flight by the wings of an animal that flies by beating its wings.
WINGBEAT n. the motion of a bird's wing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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