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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, B, G, M and U

BIGAMOUSbigamous adj. (Of a marriage) involving bigamy.
bigamous adj. (Of a spouse) guilty of bigamy.
BIGAMOUS adj. guilty of bigamy.
BLACKGUMblackgum n. Alternative form of black gum (“tree”).
black␣gum n. A tree native to eastern North America, Nyssa sylvatica.
black␣gum n. Certain eucalyptus trees of Australia.
BROUGHAMbrougham n. A four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage, designed in 1839. It had an open seat for the driver in front of…
brougham n. An automobile, a sedan without a roof over the driver’s seat.
BROUGHAM n. a one-horse closed carriage.
GALBANUMgalbanum n. A bitter, aromatic resin or gum, extracted from plants of the genus Ferula, that resembles assafoetida…
GALBANUM n. (Latin) a gum resin exuding from the stems of certain Asiatic umbelliferous plants.
GAMBUSIAgambusia n. Any of several live-bearing freshwater fish, of the genus Gambusia, that feed on the larva of mosquitos…
Gambusia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Poeciliidae – topminnows or gambusias, small freshwater fish that…
GAMBUSIA n. (Spanish) a fish of the genus Gambusia, members of which give birth to live young and feed on mosquito larvae.
GIAMBEUXgiambeux n. Obsolete form of jambeaux, plural of jambeau.
GIAMBEUX adj. (Spenser) leg-armour, greaves.
GUIMBARDguimbard n. Alternative form of guimbarde.
GUIMBARD n. a Jew's-harp.
GUMBALLSgumballs n. Plural of gumball.
GUMBALL n. a small ball of chewing gum.
HAMBURGSHamburgs n. Plural of Hamburg.
HAMBURG n. (German) a patty of ground beef, also HAMBURGER.
LUMBAGOSlumbagos n. Plural of lumbago.
LUMBAGO n. (Latin) inflammation of the lumbar muscles and tendons.
LUMBANGSlumbangs n. Plural of lumbang.
LUMBANG n. (Tagalog) the candlenut tree.
MEALYBUGmealybug n. Any of various insects of the family Pseudococcidae, which secrete a powdery wax and are pests of fruit trees.
mealy␣bug n. Alternative spelling of mealybug.
MEALYBUG n. a destructive insect.
MEGABUCKmegabuck n. (Informal) A million dollars.
mega-buck n. Alternative spelling of megabuck.
MEGABUCK n. one million dollars.
PLUMBAGOplumbago n. (Botany) A plant of the genus Plumbago; leadwort.
plumbago n. (Mineralogy, now chiefly historical) Graphite.
Plumbago prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Plumbaginaceae – the leadworts.
RUMBAINGrumbaing v. Present participle of rumba.
RUMBA v. (Spanish) to perform a kind of dance, also RHUMBA.
SCUMBAGSscumbags n. Plural of scumbag.
SCUMBAG n. a contemptible person.
SUBIMAGOsubimago n. (Zoology) A stage in the development of certain insects, intermediate between pupa and imago, during…
SUBIMAGO n. a stage in the life of a mayfly.
UMBRAGEDumbraged v. Simple past tense and past participle of umbrage.
UMBRAGE v. to offend.
UMBRAGESumbrages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of umbrage.
UMBRAGE v. to offend.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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