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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, B, G, I and U

ABDUCINGabducing v. Present participle of abduce.
ABDUCE v. to draw or conduct away.
ABJURINGabjuring v. Present participle of abjure.
ABJURE v. to renounce under oath.
ABUTTINGabutting adj. Facing each other, front to front.
abutting v. Present participle of abut.
abutting n. Abutment.
BAUBLINGbaubling adj. Obsolete form of bawbling.
BAUBLING adj. (Shakespeare) trifling.
BAULKINGbaulking v. Present participle of baulk.
baulking n. Alternative form of balking.
BAULK v. to refrain from proceeding, also BALK, BAUK.
BIGAMOUSbigamous adj. (Of a marriage) involving bigamy.
bigamous adj. (Of a spouse) guilty of bigamy.
BIGAMOUS adj. guilty of bigamy.
BIJUGATEbijugate adj. (Botany) Of a compound leaf, having two pairs of leaflets.
bijugate adj. (Botany) Of leaf arrangement, having pairs of (opposite) leaves, spirally arranged, producing a double spiral.
BIJUGATE adj. having two pairs of leaflets.
BLAUDINGBLAUD v. to strike, disfigure.
BUBINGASbubingas n. Plural of bubinga.
BUBINGA n. (Bantu) a species of West African tree.
DAUBINGSdaubings n. Plural of daubing.
DAUBING n. the act of daubing.
GAMBUSIAgambusia n. Any of several live-bearing freshwater fish, of the genus Gambusia, that feed on the larva of mosquitos…
Gambusia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Poeciliidae – topminnows or gambusias, small freshwater fish that…
GAMBUSIA n. (Spanish) a fish of the genus Gambusia, members of which give birth to live young and feed on mosquito larvae.
GIAMBEUXgiambeux n. Obsolete form of jambeaux, plural of jambeau.
GIAMBEUX adj. (Spenser) leg-armour, greaves.
GUIDABLEguidable adj. Capable of being or willing to be guided.
GUIDABLE adj. able to be guided.
GUIMBARDguimbard n. Alternative form of guimbarde.
GUIMBARD n. a Jew's-harp.
RUMBAINGrumbaing v. Present participle of rumba.
RUMBA v. (Spanish) to perform a kind of dance, also RHUMBA.
SCUBAINGscubaing v. Present participle of scuba.
SCUBA v. to dive using scuba equipment.
SUBIMAGOsubimago n. (Zoology) A stage in the development of certain insects, intermediate between pupa and imago, during…
SUBIMAGO n. a stage in the life of a mayfly.
UNBALINGunbaling v. Present participle of unbale.
UNBALE v. to loosen from a compressed bundle.
UNBARINGunbaring v. Present participle of unbare.
UNBARE v. to lay bare.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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