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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, B, F, R and U

FABRIQUEFABRIQUE n. a parish group that deals with church property.
FABURDENfaburden n. (Music) A kind of counterpoint with a drone bass.
faburden n. (Music) A succession of chords of the sixth.
faburden n. (Obsolete) A refrain.
FAUBOURGfaubourg n. An outlying part of a city or town, beyond the walls; a suburb, especially of Paris.
FAUBOURG n. (French) a suburb just beyond the walls or a district recently included within a city.
FOURBALLfourball n. (Golf) A match between two teams of two golfers, each playing his or her own ball throughout the round…
four-ball n. Alternative form of fourball (“golf format”).
FOURBALL n. a golf game for four golfers in teams of two.
FRABJOUSfrabjous adj. Fabulous, joyous; great, wonderful.
FRABJOUS adj. splendid, magnificent.
FUNBOARDfunboard n. (Surfing) A type of surfboard which is roughly in between a shortboard and a mini-mal. A funboard is…
FUNBOARD n. a special fast windsurfing board.
FUNEBRALfunebral adj. Alternative form of funebrial.
FUNEBRAL adj. of or pertaining to a funeral, also FUNEBRIAL.
FURBALLSfurballs n. Plural of furball.
FURBALL n. a ball of fur regurgitated by a cat.
FURLABLEfurlable adj. Capable of being furled, or rolled up.
FURLABLE adj. able to be furled.
SUBDWARFsubdwarf n. (Astronomy) A star that is dimmer than a main sequence star of same temperature. They are located below…
SUBDWARF n. a small star of relatively low luminosity.
SUBFRAMEsubframe n. A subsidiary frame (chunk of data).
subframe n. A structural component of a vehicle, such as an automobile or aircraft, that uses a discrete, separate…
subframe n. (Internet) One of the HTML frames that make up a frameset.
SURFABLEsurfable adj. Able to be surfed.
SURFABLE adj. able to be surfed.
SURFBOATsurfboat n. Alternative spelling of surf boat.
surf␣boat n. A type of boat used in surf lifesaving to go from shore out through the breaking waves, and back again…
SURFBOAT n. a strong rowboat.
TURBOFANturbofan n. (Aviation) A turbojet engine having a (typically ducted) fan that forces air directly into the hot exhaust…
TURBOFAN n. a type of jet engine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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