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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, F and M

BEDFRAMEbedframe n. The frame of a bed.
bed-frame n. Alternative form of bedframe.
bed␣frame n. Alternative form of bedframe.
BEFOAMEDbefoamed v. Simple past tense and past participle of befoam.
BEFOAM v. to cover with foam.
BLAMEFULblameful adj. That imputes or conveys blame.
blameful adj. Blameworthy.
BLAMEFUL adj. deserving blame.
FARMABLEfarmable adj. (Of land) Suitable for farming.
FARMABLE adj. able to be farmed.
FILMABLEfilmable adj. Capable of being filmed; suitable for filming.
FILMABLE adj. able to be filmed.
FIMBRIAEfimbriae n. Plural of fimbria.
fimbriæ n. (Obsolete) plural of fimbria.
FIMBRIA n. (Latin) a fringing filament.
FLAMBEAUflambeau n. A burning torch, especially one carried in procession.
FLAMBEAU n. (French) a flaming torch.
FLAMBEEDflambeed v. Simple past tense and past participle of flambe.
flambéed v. Simple past tense and past participle of flambé.
FLAMBEE v. (French) to douse with liqueur and ignite, also FLAMBE.
FLAMBEESflambees n. Plural of flambee.
flambees v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flambee.
FLAMBEE v. (French) to douse with liqueur and ignite, also FLAMBE.
FOAMABLEfoamable adj. Capable of being converted into foam.
FOAMABLE adj. able to foam.
FORMABLEformable adj. Able to be formed.
FORMABLE adj. able to be formed.
FRAMABLEframable adj. Alternative form of frameable.
FRAMABLE adj. that can be framed, also FRAMEABLE.
SUBFRAMEsubframe n. A subsidiary frame (chunk of data).
subframe n. A structural component of a vehicle, such as an automobile or aircraft, that uses a discrete, separate…
subframe n. (Internet) One of the HTML frames that make up a frameset.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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