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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, B, C, G and N

ABDUCINGabducing v. Present participle of abduce.
ABDUCE v. to draw or conduct away.
BACKINGSbackings n. Plural of backing.
BACKING n. a support.
BATCHINGbatching v. Present participle of batch.
BATCHING n. the act of sorting into batches.
BEACHINGbeaching v. Present participle of beach.
beaching n. An event in which a marine animal beaches itself.
BEACH v. to drive onto the shore by a lake or the sea.
BELACINGbelacing v. Present participle of belace.
BELACE v. to adorn with lace.
BLACKINGblacking v. Present participle of black.
blacking n. A preparation, containing lampblack, used to produce a shiny black coating.
blacking n. Shoe polish.
BONGRACEbongrace n. (Obsolete) A projecting bonnet or shade to protect the complexion.
bongrace n. (Obsolete) A wide-brimmed hat.
BONGRACE n. (French) a sunshade worn over a hat.
BRACINGSbracings n. Plural of bracing.
BRACING n. a reinforcement.
CABININGcabining v. Present participle of cabin.
CABIN v. to live in a roughly built house.
CABLINGScablings n. Plural of cabling.
CABLING n. a bead or moulding like a thick rope.
CANEGRUBcanegrub n. A grub that eats the roots of sugar cane.
CANEGRUB n. any of various species of beetle native to Australia.
CLANGBOXCLANGBOX n. a deflector fitted to a jet engine to divert gas flow.
CRABBINGcrabbing v. Present participle of crab.
crabbing n. The act or art of catching crabs.
crabbing n. (Falconry) The fighting of hawks with each other.
EMBACINGEMBACE v. (Spenser) to lower, also EMBASE, IMBASE.
PUNCHBAGpunchbag n. Synonym of punching bag.
PUNCHBAG n. a punching bag, used in boxing training.
SCABBINGscabbing v. Present participle of scab.
SCAB v. to become covered with a crust over a healing wound.
SCUBAINGscubaing v. Present participle of scuba.
SCUBA v. to dive using scuba equipment.
WINGBACKwingback n. (Soccer) A player who doubles on either side of the center as a defender when their team is defending…
wingback n. (American football) A running back who is in formation near the line of scrimmage and outside the tackles, a slotback.
wingback n. One of the projecting side pieces on a wingback chair.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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