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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, B, 2C and H

BACCHANTbacchant n. A priest of Bacchus.
bacchant n. A bacchanal; a drunken reveler.
bacchant adj. Fond of drunken revelry; wine-loving; reveling; carousing.
BACCHIACbacchiac n. (Prosody) Synonym of bacchius.
BACCHIAC adj. relating to the bacchius, a type of metrical foot, also BACCHIAN.
BACCHIANbacchian adj. (Rare) jovial or drunken.
BACCHIAN adj. relating to the bacchius, a type of metrical foot, also BACCHIAC.
BACCHIUSbacchius n. (Prosody) A metrical foot composed of a short syllable and two long ones; according to some, two long and a short.
BACCHIUS n. (Latin) a metrical foot composed of a short syllable and two long ones.
BACHCHASBACHCHA n. (Hinglish) in India, a young child, also BACHA.
BACKACHEbackache n. Any pain or ache in the back.
BACKACHE n. pain in the back.
BACKCHATbackchat n. (Britain) Cheeky or impertinent responses, especially to criticism.
backchat v. To respond in a disputative, often sarcastic manner.
back-chat v. Alternative form of backchat.
BECHANCEbechance v. (Intransitive) To happen; chance.
bechance v. (Transitive, archaic) To happen (to); befall to.
bechance adv. Accidentally; by chance.
BISCACHAbiscacha n. Rare form of viscacha.
BISCACHA n. a South American rodent, also BIZCACHA.
BIZCACHAbizcacha n. Rare form of viscacha.
BIZCACHA n. a South American rodent, also BISCACHA.
CABOCHEDcaboched adj. Alternative form of caboshed.
CABOCHED adj. in heraldry, full faced with no neck showing, also CABOSHED.
CABOCHONcabochon n. (Chiefly attributive) A precious stone which has only been polished, not cut into facets.
CABOCHON n. (French) a precious stone polished but uncut, or cut rounded on the top but flat on the back.
CASHBACKcashback n. Alternative spelling of cash-back.
cash-back n. The retail facility whereby a customer may withdraw an amount of cash when making a purchase with a…
CASHBACK n. getting cash back on a credit card.
CHUBASCOchubasco n. (Nautical) A violent squall with thunder and lightning, encountered during the rainy season along the…
CHUBASCO n. a violent thunderstorm.
DABCHICKdabchick n. A small grebe, the little grebe, Tachybaptus ruficollis.
DABCHICK n. the little grebe, also DIPCHICK, DOBCHICK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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