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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, B, 2C and E

BACCATEDbaccated adj. Having many berries.
baccated adj. (Obsolete) Set or adorned with pearls.
BACCATED adj. having berries; berrylike, also BACCATE.
BACKACHEbackache n. Any pain or ache in the back.
BACKACHE n. pain in the back.
BACTERICbacteric adj. Of or relating to bacteria.
BACTERIC adj. of bacteria.
BECHANCEbechance v. (Intransitive) To happen; chance.
bechance v. (Transitive, archaic) To happen (to); befall to.
bechance adv. Accidentally; by chance.
BRACCATEBRACCATE adj. having feathered legs.
BRECCIALbreccial adj. Of or relating to breccia.
BRECCIAL adj. of or like breccia, a geological formation consisting of angular fragments of rock.
BRECCIASbreccias n. Plural of breccia.
BRECCIA n. (Italian) a geological formation consisting of angular fragments of rock.
CABOCEERcaboceer n. (Historical) A native African official responsible for supplying slaves to slave traders.
CABOCEER n. (Portuguese) a West African headman.
CABOCHEDcaboched adj. Alternative form of caboshed.
CABOCHED adj. in heraldry, full faced with no neck showing, also CABOSHED.
CASCABELcascabel n. A small, round, hot variety of chili pepper, Capsicum annuum, which rattles when dry.
cascabel n. A knob at the end of a cannon, cast onto the gun breech, to which a heavy rope is attached in order to control recoil.
cascabel n. A bell attached to a sleigh or sleigh harness.
CASCABLEcascable n. Alternative form of cascabel (knob at end of cannon).
CASCABLE n. (Spanish) the rear part of a cannon, also CASCABEL.
CELIBACYcelibacy n. Abstaining from marriage; the state of being unmarried.
celibacy n. (By extension) Abstinence from sexual relations.
CELIBACY n. abstention from sexual intercourse.
CLUBFACEclubface n. (Golf) The leading face of a golf club; the side of the clubhead that strikes the ball.
CLUBFACE n. the striking surface of a clubhead.
COMEBACKcomeback n. A return (E.g. to popularity, success, etc.) after an extended period of obscurity.
comeback n. A retort or answer, particularly a quick or clever one.
comeback n. (Sports) An occurrence of an athlete or sports team in a competition overcoming a substantial disadvantage…
PECCABLEpeccable adj. Liable to sin; subject to transgress the divine law.
PECCABLE adj. liable to sin.
SUCCUBAEsuccubae n. Plural of succuba.
SUCCUBA n. (Latin) a female demon, also SUCCUBUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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