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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 2A, P, R and V

APPROVALapproval n. An expression granting permission; an indication of agreement with a proposal; an acknowledgement that…
approval n. An expression of favorable acceptance and encouragement; a compliment that also condones.
approval n. (Especially philately) Something mailed by a seller to a collector to match their stated interests;…
PALAVERSpalavers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of palaver.
PALAVER v. to talk profusely or idly.
PAPAVERSpapavers n. Plural of papaver.
PAPAVER n. a genus of poppies including over 120 species.
PARAVAILparavail adj. At the bottom; lowest (said of feudal tenants).
PARAVAIL adj. below others in rank, as in tenant paravail: a tenant who held from another who was himself a tenant.
PARAVANEparavane n. (Nautical) A device, stabilized with vanes, towed alongside a vessel such that the cable attaching it…
paravane n. (Nautical) A towed underwater object with hydrofoils, of diverse uses.
PARAVANE n. an underwater device used to cut cables.
PARAVANTparavant adv. (Obsolete, rare) Pre-eminently; first.
PARAVANT adv. (Spenser) before, in front, also PARAVAUNT.
PARAVANT n. a preeminent person or thing.
PRECAVAEprecavae n. Plural of precava.
PRECAVA n. (Latin) the superior vena cava, also PRECAVAL.
PRECAVALprecaval adj. (Anatomy) Anterior to the vena cava.
precaval n. (Anatomy) A precaval vein.
PRECAVAL n. the superior vena cava, also PRECAVA.
VIVIPARAVIVIPARA n. (Latin) animals that bring forth living young.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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