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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2A, N, P and U

ARAPUNGAarapunga n. Alternative form of araponga.
ARAPUNGA n. (Tupi) the campanero or S. American bellbird, also ARAPONGA.
EPIFAUNAepifauna n. The benthic fauna, i.e. the collection of sea animals living on the seafloor.
EPIFAUNA n. (Latin) fauna living on a hard sea floor.
LUPANARSlupanars n. Plural of lupanar.
LUPANAR n. (Latin) a brothel.
NAUPLIALnauplial adj. Relating to a nauplius.
NAUPLIAL adj. of or like a nauplius, the larval form of certain crustaceans.
PAENULAEpaenulae n. Plural of paenula.
PAENULA n. (Latin) a Roman travelling cloak.
PAENULASpaenulas n. Plural of paenula.
PAENULA n. (Latin) a Roman travelling cloak.
PAGURIANPAGURIAN n. a hermit crab, also PAGURID.
PANDANUSpandanus n. Any of various palm-like plants in the genus Pandanus.
Pandanus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Pandanaceae – palm-like, dioecious trees and shrubs native to the…
PANDANUS n. (Malay) a palm of SE Asia, the leaves of which are used to weave mats, also PANDAN.
PANDURASpanduras n. Plural of pandura.
PANDURA n. (Spanish) an ancient musical instrument, also BANDORA, BANDORE, PANDORA, PANDORE.
PANHUMANpanhuman adj. Applying to all human beings.
PANHUMAN adj. pertaining to all humanity.
PLANULAEplanulae n. Plural of planula.
PLANULA n. (Latin) the free-swimming larva of certain organisms.
PLANULARplanular adj. Of or pertaining to a plane.
planular adj. Flat, two-dimensional.
planular adj. Zoology: describing a planula or planulae.
PLANURIAPLANURIA n. the discharge of urine through an abnormal passage, also PLANURY.
PUNALUANpunaluan adj. Of or relating to a punalua.
PUNALUAN adj. pertaining to punalua, primitive group marriage of a number of brothers to a number of sisters.
PUNALUASpunaluas n. Plural of punalua.
PUNALUA n. (Hawaiian) the marriage of brothers of one family to sisters of another.
PUTAMINAputamina n. Plural of putamen.
PUTAMEN n. (Latin) a fruit stone; a membrane lining an eggshell.
SAUCEPANsaucepan n. (Countable, cooking) A deep cooking vessel with a handle and sometimes a lid; used for boiling, stewing…
saucepan v. To cook in a saucepan.
SAUCEPAN n. a cooking utensil.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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