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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2A, N and 2P

APPANAGEappanage n. Alternative form of apanage.
appanage v. Alternative form of apanage.
APPANAGE n. a provision for maintenance, esp. of a king's younger child, also APANAGE.
APPARENTapparent adj. Capable of being seen, or easily seen; open to view; visible to the eye, eyely; within sight or view.
apparent adj. Clear or manifest to the understanding; plain; evident; obvious; known; palpable; indubitable.
apparent adj. Appearing to the eye or mind (distinguished from, but not necessarily opposed to, true or real); seeming.
APPAYINGappaying v. Present participle of appay.
APPAY v. to satisfy, also APAY.
FRAPPANTFRAPPANT adj. (French) striking.
LAGNAPPElagnappe n. Alternative spelling of lagniappe.
LAGNAPPE n. (Spanish) a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of purchase, also LAGNIAPPE.
NONPAPALnonpapal adj. Not papal.
NONPAPAL adj. not connected with the papacy.
OPOPANAXopopanax n. (Obsolete) A gum resin obtained from the root of Opopanax chironium, formerly used in medicine.
opopanax n. A perfume made from the gum resin of various trees.
opopanax n. The popinac or opopanax tree (Acacia farnesiana, syn. Vachellia farnesiana), an acacia of America.
PAMPEANSpampeans n. Plural of pampean.
PAMPEAN n. a native of the pampas.
PAPASANSpapasans n. Plural of papasan.
PAPASAN n. a chair shaped like a boat.
PAPHIANSPaphians n. Plural of Paphian.
PAPHIAN n. a prostitute.
PAPYRIANpapyrian adj. Alternative form of papyrean.
PAPYRIAN adj. like papyrus, a parchment made from reeds, also PAPYRINE.
PARPANESPARPANE n. a stone passing through a wall from face to face, also PARPEN, PARPEND, PARPENT, PARPOINT, PERPENT.
PATTYPANpattypan n. A pan used for baking patties.
pattypan n. (Chiefly North America) A small variety of squash with a scalloped rim and creamy white flesh; a pattypan squash.
PATTYPAN n. a pan in which patties are baked.
PRIAPEANPriapean adj. (Greek mythology) Of or relating to Priapus or Priapos (Ancient Greek: Πρίαπος), a minor rustic fertility…
Priapean n. (Poetry) A kind of hexameter verse so constructed as to be divisible into two portions of three metrical…
PRIAPEAN adj. phallic, also PRIAPIC.
TRAPPEANtrappean adj. (Mineralogy) Of or pertaining to trap; of the nature of trap.
trappean adj. (Geology) Relating to, or composed of basalt or other igneous rock.
TRAPPEAN adj. pertaining to traprock, also TRAPPOSE, TRAPPOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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