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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2A, N, O and V

ANOVULARanovular adj. Synonym of anovulatory.
ANOVULAR adj. not involving ovulation.
AVIATIONaviation n. The art or science of making and flying aircraft.
aviation n. Flying, operating, or operation of aircraft.
aviation n. Industry that produces aircraft.
AVOIDANTavoidant adj. Exhibiting avoidance; avoiding something.
avoidant n. A person who exhibits avoidance.
AVOIDANT adj. of behaviour, demonstrating a tendency to avoid interaction with others.
FAVONIANfavonian adj. Pertaining to the west wind.
favonian adj. (By extension) Mild, gentle.
FAVONIAN adj. of or relating to the west wind; mild and favourable.
FLAVANOLflavanol n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of flavonoids that use the 2-phenyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-chromen-3-ol molecular skeleton.
FLAVANOL n. a derivative of flavone, also FLAVONOL.
LAVATIONlavation n. (Obsolete) A washing or cleansing.
LAVATION n. the act of washing or cleansing.
NAVARHOSNAVARHO n. a low-frequency, long-range radio navigation system for aircraft.
NONAVIANnonavian adj. Alternative form of non-avian.
nonavian n. Alternative form of non-avian.
non-avian adj. Not avian.
NONNAVALnonnaval adj. Not naval.
NONNAVAL adj. not naval.
PAVONIANpavonian adj. Of or pertaining to the peacock.
PAVONIAN adj. of or relating to peacocks, also PAVONINE.
VACATIONvacation n. Freedom from some business or activity.
vacation n. (Obsolete) Free time given over to a specific purpose; occupation, activity.
vacation n. A period during which official activity or business is formally suspended; an official holiday from…
VAGABONDvagabond n. A person on a trip of indeterminate destination and/or length of time.
vagabond n. One who usually wanders from place to place, having no fixed dwelling, or not abiding in it, and usually…
vagabond v. To roam, as a vagabond.
VALLONIAVallonia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Valloniidae – certain land snails.
VALLONIA n. (Italian) a tanning material, made from the acorns of a Levantine oak, also VALONEA, VALONIA.
VALONEASvaloneas n. Plural of valonea.
VALONEA n. (Italian) a tanning material, made from the acorns of a Levantine oak, also VALLONIA, VALONIA.
VALONIASvalonias n. Plural of valonia.
VALONIA n. (Italian) a tanning material, made from the acorns of a Levantine oak, also VALLONIA, VALONEA.
VANADOUSvanadous adj. Of, pertaining to or containing vanadium, especially in an oxidation number of 4.
VANADOUS adj. pertaining to vanadium, also VANADIC.
VANLOADSvanloads n. Plural of vanload.
VANLOAD n. the quantity that a van can carry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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