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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 6 eight-letter words containing 2A, M and 2U

AQUARIUMaquarium n. A tank, often made of glass, for keeping live fish or other aquatic animals.
aquarium n. A public place where live fish and other aquatic animals are exhibited.
AQUARIUM n. (Latin) a water filled museum for all forms of aquatic life.
AUTUMNALautumnal adj. Of or relating to autumn.
autumnal adj. Past the middle of life; in the third stage.
AUTUMNAL adj. pertaining to autumn.
GUAIACUMguaiacum n. Any of a number of species of tree of the genus Guaiacum, native to the West Indies and parts of the Americas.
guaiacum n. The wood or resin of this tree.
GUAIACUM n. a medicinal resin, also GUAIAC, GUAIOCUM.
KAUMATUAkaumatua n. (New Zealand) In Māori culture, an elder; a respected older person.
KAUMATUA n. (Maori) a tribal elder.
LAUDANUMlaudanum n. A tincture of opium, once widely used for various medical purposes and as a recreational drug.
laudanum v. (Transitive) To add laudanum to (a drink or the like).
laudanum v. (Rare) To cause (a person) to be high on laudanum.
SQUAMULAsquamula n. (Botany) One of the little hypogynous scales found in the flowers of grasses; a lodicule.
SQUAMULA n. a little scale, also SQUAMELLA, SQUAMULE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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