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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2A, M, T and Y

AMPACITYampacity n. The root mean square of the electrical current which a device (usually a wire) can carry within a specific…
AMPACITY n. the largest amount of current that a wire can carry.
ARYTHMIAarythmia n. Alternative form of arrhythmia.
ARYTHMIA n. absence or irregularity of rhythm e.g. of the heart, also ARHYTHMIA, ARRHYTHMIA.
ATEMOYASatemoyas n. Plural of atemoya.
ATEMOYA n. a tropical fruit of a tree that is a hybrid of the sweetsop and the cherimoya.
AUTOGAMYautogamy n. Self-fertilization, the fertilizing pollen being derived from the same blossom as the pistil acted upon.
autogamy n. Sologamy, marriage to oneself.
AUTOGAMY n. self-fertilization.
CALAMITYcalamity n. An event resulting in great loss.
calamity n. The distress that results from some disaster.
CALAMITY n. a grievous misfortune, a disaster.
MAINSTAYmainstay n. A chief support.
mainstay n. Someone or something that can be depended on to make a regular contribution.
mainstay n. (Nautical) A stabilising rope from the top of the mainmast to the bottom of the foremast.
MANYATASmanyatas n. Plural of manyata.
MANYATA n. a small Masai settlement, also MANYATTA.
MANYATTAmanyatta n. (East Africa) A Masai or Samburu settlement or compound, often temporary, established by a family or…
MANYATTA n. a small Masai settlement, also MANYATA.
MARTYRIAmartyria n. Plural of martyrium.
MARTYRIUM n. (Latin) a shrine erected in honour of a martyred person, also MARTYRY.
METAYAGEmetayage n. A kind of sharecropping system.
METAYAGE n. (French) a system of trading crops for rent.
MYXOMATAmyxomata n. Plural of myxoma.
MYXOMA n. (Greek) a tumour composed of mucous tissue.
PLATYSMAplatysma n. (Anatomy) A broad sheet of muscle that is situated on each side of the neck immediately under the superficial…
PLATYSMA n. (Greek) a broad sheet of muscle in the neck.
PLAYMATEplaymate n. A companion for someone (especially a child) to play with.
playmate n. A female who has appeared as the centerfold in Playboy magazine.
playmate n. (Euphemistic) A person’s lover.
SYNTAGMAsyntagma n. (Linguistics) A constituent segment within a text, such as a word or a phrase that forms a syntactic unit.
syntagma n. (Semiotics) An arrangement of units that together bears a meaning.
syntagma n. (History) A Macedonian phalanx fighting formation consisting of 256 men with long spears (sarissae).
TALLYMANtallyman n. A person who keeps a tally of something.
tallyman n. A man who conducts the tally trade.
tallyman n. (Informal, regional, archaic) A man who cohabits (with someone) outside of marriage.
TRAMWAYStramways n. Plural of tramway.
TRAMWAY n. a route for a tram.
TYMPANALtympanal adj. (Medicine) tympanic.
tympanal n. The tympanic bone.
TYMPANAL adj. tympanic.
XYLOMATAxylomata n. Plural of xyloma.
XYLOMA n. a body which forms spurs internally in fungi.
YACHTMANyachtman n. (Dated) A yachtsman.
YACHTMAN n. one who sails a yacht, also YACHTER, YACHTIE, YACHTSMAN.
ZYGOMATAzygomata n. Plural of zygoma.
ZYGOMA n. (Greek) the cheekbone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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