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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2A, 2M and T

AMMONATEAMMONATE n. a type of ammonia compound, also AMMINE, AMMONIATE.
ARMAMENTarmament n. A body of forces equipped for war.
armament n. (Military, naval) All the cannon and small arms collectively, with their equipments, belonging to a…
armament n. Any equipment for resistance.
GAMMATIAgammatia n. Plural of gammation.
GAMMATION n. a Greek ornamental design, also GAMMADION.
HEMATOMAhematoma n. (Pathology) A swelling of blood, usually clotted, which forms as a result of broken blood vessels.
HEMATOMA n. swelling filled with blood.
IMAMATESimamates n. Plural of imamate.
Imamates n. Plural of Imamate.
IMAMATE n. (Arabic) the office of an imam.
MAGMATICmagmatic adj. Pertaining to magma or magmatism.
magmatic n. A rock formed from magma.
MAGMATIC adj. of or like magma, molten or partially molten rock material.
MAHATMASmahatmas n. Plural of mahatma.
MAHATMA n. (Sanskrit) a religious adept, a sage.
MAINMASTmainmast n. (Nautical) The tallest mast of a sailing ship that has more than one mast; particularly a full-rigged ship.
main-mast n. Alternative spelling of mainmast.
MAINMAST n. the principal mast of a vessel.
MALAMUTEmalamute n. An ancient northern breed of dog of the husky type, particularly used as a sled dog.
Malamute n. A member of an Inupiak people who live in western Alaska and are known for breeding malamute dogs.
MALAMUTE n. (Inuit) an Alaskan sled dog, also MALEMIUT, MALEMUTE.
MAMATEEKmamateek n. A type of wigwam used by the Beothuk in Newfoundland.
MAMATEEK n. (Native American) a type of wigwam.
MAMMATUSmammatus n. Ellipsis of mammatus cloud.
MAMMATUS n. (Latin) a type of cloud.
MANTRAMSmantrams n. Plural of mantram.
MANTRAM n. (Sanskrit) a sacred word or syllable, also MANTRA.
MATAMATAmatamata n. A species of side-necked turtle, Chelus fimbriatus, whose shell resembles a dead leaf.
Matamata prop.n. A town in the Waikato, North Island, New Zealand.
mata-mata n. (Singapore, Malaysia, slang) A police officer.
METAMALEmetamale n. (Biology) Synonym of supermale (“male with XYY syndrome”).
METAMALE n. a sterile male organism.
METASOMAmetasoma n. (Entomology) The posterior part of the body of an arthropod.
METASOMA n. the posterior part of an arachnid's abdomen.
MIASMATAmiasmata n. Plural of miasma.
MIASMA n. (Greek) a noxious vapor, also MIASM.
MYXOMATAmyxomata n. Plural of myxoma.
MYXOMA n. (Greek) a tumour composed of mucous tissue.
STEMMATAstemmata n. Plural of stemma.
STEMMA n. (Greek) a diagram representing a reconstruction of the interrelationships between surviving witnesses in the (esp. manuscript) tradition of a text.
TEAMMATEteammate n. One who is on the same team.
team-mate n. Alternative spelling of teammate.
TEAMMATE n. a member of the same team.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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