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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing 2A, J, N and R

HANDJARShandjars n. Plural of handjar.
HANDJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANJAR, KHANJAR.
HARIJANSHarijans n. Plural of Harijan.
HARIJAN n. (Sanskrit) in India, a member of the untouchable caste.
JANISARYjanisary n. Alternative spelling of janissary.
JANISARY n. (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards, also JANISSARY, JANIZAR, JANIZARY.
JANIZARSjanizars n. Plural of janizar.
JANIZAR n. (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards, also JANISARY, JANISSARY, JANIZARY.
JANIZARYjanizary n. Alternative spelling of janissary.
JANIZARY n. (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards, also JANISARY, JANISSARY, JANIZAR.
JAPANNERjapanner n. One who varnishes in the manner of the Japanese, or one skilled in that art.
japanner n. (Archaic) A bootblack.
Japanner n. (Obsolete) A Japanese person.
JAZERANTjazerant n. (Historical) A coat of defense of Arab origin, made of small plates of metal sewn upon linen or similar…
jazerant n. This kind of armor taken generally.
JAZERANT n. (historical) a coat of mail made of small plates of metal sewed upon linen or the like, also JESSERANT.
KHANJARSkhanjars n. Plural of khanjar.
KHANJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANDJAR, HANJAR.
MARYJANEMaryjane prop.n. A female given name, combination of Mary and Jane.
Mary␣Jane prop.n. A female given name.
Mary␣Jane n. (Slang) Marijuana.
NAARTJESnaartjes n. Plural of naartje.
NAARTJE n. (South African) a small sweet orange like the mandarin, also NAARTJIE, NARTJIE.
NAARTJIEnaartjie n. (South Africa) Citrus reticulata (mandarin, satsuma, tangerine); a soft, loose-skinned tangerine.
NAARTJIE n. (South African) a small sweet orange like the mandarin, also NAARTJE, NARTJIE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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