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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2A, I, S and X

ANATEXISanatexis n. (Geology) The metamorphism of plutonic rock into magma in the lower levels of the crust.
ANATEXIS n. the partial melting of rocks, esp. in the formation of metamorphic rocks.
APRAXIASapraxias n. Plural of apraxia.
APRAXIA n. an inability to perform voluntary bodily movements.
ASPHYXIAasphyxia n. Loss of consciousness due to the interruption of breathing and consequent anoxia.
asphyxia n. Loss of consciousness due to the body’s inability to deliver oxygen to its tissues, either by the breathing…
asphyxia n. (Medicine, obsolete) A condition in which an extreme decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the…
AXILLARSaxillars n. Plural of axillar.
AXILLAR n. a feather on the undersurface of a bird's wing, also AXILLARY.
DYSTAXIAdystaxia n. (Pathology, rare) a milder or weaker form of ataxia.
DYSTAXIA n. a form of muscular tremor.
EUTAXIASEUTAXIA n. the property of being easily melted, also EUTEXIA.
GALAXIESgalaxies n. Plural of galaxy.
GALAXY n. a large system of celestial bodies.
MAXILLASmaxillas n. Plural of maxilla.
MAXILLA n. (Latin) the bone of either the upper or the under jaw.
MAXIMALSmaximals n. Plural of maximal.
MAXIMAL n. an element of a mathematical set that is followed by no other.
PAXIUBASpaxiubas n. Plural of paxiuba.
PAXIUBA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian palm with stilt-roots.
SAXATILEsaxatile adj. Of or relating to rocks; living among rocks.
SAXATILE adj. living or growing among rocks, also SAXICOLE.
SPARAXISsparaxis n. Any of several deciduous perennial flowering herbs, of the genus Sparaxis, from South Africa.
SPARAXIS n. a South African iridaceous plant with starlike flowers and lacerated spathes.
SUBAXIALsubaxial adj. Below an axis.
SUBAXIAL adj. somewhat axial.
TAXICABStaxicabs n. Plural of taxicab.
taxicabs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of taxicab.
TAXICAB n. automobile for hire.
TAXIWAYStaxiways n. Plural of taxiway.
TAXIWAY n. at an airport, a specially prepared track used for the movement of aircraft.
XERASIASXERASIA n. abnormal dryness of the hair.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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