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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2A, I, P and Y

AGRYPNIAagrypnia n. (Psychiatry, pathology) Persistent loss of sleep; insomnia; sleeplessness.
AGRYPNIA n. wakefulness; sleeplessness.
AIRPLAYSairplays n. Plural of airplay.
AIRPLAY n. the broadcasting of a play etc. on a radio program.
AMPACITYampacity n. The root mean square of the electrical current which a device (usually a wire) can carry within a specific…
AMPACITY n. the largest amount of current that a wire can carry.
APICALLYapically adv. In an apical manner or direction; towards an apex.
APICALLY adv. at the tip.
APPAYINGappaying v. Present participle of appay.
APPAY v. to satisfy, also APAY.
APYREXIAapyrexia n. (Medicine) The absence or an intermission during a bout of fever.
APYREXIA n. a period of intermission in a fever.
ASPHYXIAasphyxia n. Loss of consciousness due to the interruption of breathing and consequent anoxia.
asphyxia n. Loss of consciousness due to the body’s inability to deliver oxygen to its tissues, either by the breathing…
asphyxia n. (Medicine, obsolete) A condition in which an extreme decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the…
ATYPICALatypical adj. Not conforming to the normal type.
atypical adj. Unusual or irregular.
atypical n. (Pharmacy) An atypical antipsychotic.
CAPACITYcapacity n. The ability to hold, receive, or absorb.
capacity n. A measure of such ability; volume.
capacity n. The maximum amount that can be held.
CAPITAYNcapitayn n. Obsolete form of captain.
CAPITAYN n. (Spenser) a captain.
HYPALGIAhypalgia n. Diminished sensitivity to pain.
HYPALGIA n. diminished susceptibility to pain, also HYPALGESIA.
JIPYAPASJIPYAPA n. (Spanish) a palmlike tree of tropical America, also JIPIJAPA.
LAPIDARYlapidary n. A person who cuts, polishes, engraves, or deals in gems.
lapidary n. The field in which such a person works, a subfield of gemology.
lapidary n. The process of such work. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
PAPYRIANpapyrian adj. Alternative form of papyrean.
PAPYRIAN adj. like papyrus, a parchment made from reeds, also PAPYRINE.
PHYSALIAphysalia n. Any organism of the genus Physalia.
Physalia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Physaliidae – colonies of specialized polyps and medusoids, the…
PHYSALIA n. a genus of large oceanic Siphonophora which includes the Portuguese man-of-war.
PITAHAYApitahaya n. Alternative form of pitaya.
PITAHAYA n. (Spanish) a cactus of southwestern US and Mexico, also PITAYA.
PLAGIARYplagiary n. The crime of literary theft; plagiarism.
plagiary n. (Archaic) A plagiarist.
plagiary n. (Obsolete) A kidnapper.
PYAEMIASpyaemias n. Plural of pyaemia.
PYAEMIA n. (Greek) the presence of pus in the blood, also PYEMIA.
RAPACITYrapacity n. The quality of being rapacious; voracity.
RAPACITY n. the quality of being rapacious.
UPADAISYupadaisy interj. Used when lifting a child.
UPADAISY interj. an expression of reassurance to someone who has fallen over, also UPSADAISY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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