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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2A, 2I and P

ADIPSIASadipsias n. Plural of adipsia.
ADIPSIA n. complete lack of thirst.
AMPHIBIAamphibia n. The amphibians.
Amphibia prop.n. A taxonomic class within the subphylum Vertebrata – the amphibians.
AMPHIBIA n. organisms adapted for life on land and sea.
APHIDIANaphidian adj. Like an aphid.
aphidian n. A member of genus Aphidoidea.
APHIDIAN n. an aphid, any member of the family Aphidae.
APIARIANapiarian adj. Pertaining to bees or beekeeping.
apiarian n. An apiarist; a beekeeper.
APIARIAN adj. of or relating to bees.
APIARIESapiaries n. Plural of apiary.
APIARY n. a place where bees are kept.
APIARISTapiarist n. Beekeeper.
APIARIST n. a bee keeper.
APIMANIAapimania n. (Rare) An excessive interest in bees.
APIMANIA n. an excessive interest in bees.
APOSITIAAPOSITIA n. (Greek) an aversion to food.
BAPTISIAbaptisia n. (Horticulture) Any of various ornamental plants of the genus Baptisia.
Baptisia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – the wild indigos or false indigo.
BAPTISIA n. a genus of North American leguminous plants.
CAPITANIcapitani n. Plural of capitano.
CAPITANO n. (Italian) a headman.
JIPIJAPAjipijapa n. Panama hat.
jipijapa n. Panama hat palm.
JIPIJAPA n. (Spanish) a palmlike tree of tropical America, also JIPYAPA.
LIPAEMIAlipaemia n. Alternative form of lipemia.
LIPAEMIA n. an abnormal level of fat in the blood, also LIPEMIA.
PAIRIALSPAIRIAL n. a pair-royal, a throw of three dice all the same, also PARIAL, PRIAL.
PANMIXIApanmixia n. (Ecology) A situation in which an individual is just as likely to mate with a randomly chosen individual…
panmixia n. (Biology) The cessation of natural selection, as on a useless organ.
PANMIXIA n. random mating within a breeding population, also PANMIXIS.
PIAZZIANPIAZZIAN adj. relating to a piazza, in Italy, a public square.
PICARIANpicarian adj. (Zoology) Of or relating to the Picariae, an obsolete bird classification.
picarian n. (Zoology) Any member of the Picariae.
PICARIAN n. a woodpecker or similar bird.
RIPARIALriparial adj. Riparian.
RIPARIAL n. an inhabitant of a river bank, also RIPARIAN.
RIPARIANriparian adj. Of or relating to the bank of a river or stream.
riparian n. (Chiefly law) A person or other entity that lives or owns property along the shore of a river.
RIPARIAN adj. of or inhabiting a riverbank, also RIPARIAL.
TILAPIAStilapias n. Plural of tilapia.
TILAPIA n. any member of an African freshwater fish genus.
VIVIPARAVIVIPARA n. (Latin) animals that bring forth living young.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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