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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2A, H, K and M

AMAKHOSIamakhosi n. Plural of inkhosi.
INKHOSI n. a traditional leader of a Zulu clan, also INKOSI.
CHAMPAKSchampaks n. Plural of champak.
CHAMPAK n. (Hindi) an East Indian tree of the magnolia family, sacred to Hindus, also CHAMPAC, CHAMPACA.
GYMKHANAgymkhana n. (Equestrianism) A competition where riders and horses display a range of skills and aptitudes.
gymkhana n. (India, dated) A place of public resort for athletic games, etc.
gymkhana n. (India, dated) A meeting for such sports.
HALLMARKhallmark n. A distinguishing characteristic.
hallmark n. An official marking made by a trusted party, usually an assay office, on items made of precious metals.
hallmark v. To provide or stamp with a hallmark.
HASHMARKhashmark n. Alternative form of hash mark.
hash␣mark n. The hash or pound sign (#).
hash␣mark n. (American football) An inbounds line.
HATMAKERhatmaker n. Someone who makes hats.
Hatmaker prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
HATMAKER n. one that makes hats.
HAYMAKERhaymaker n. (Agriculture) A person or machine which harvests or prepares tall grass for use as animal fodder.
haymaker n. (Informal, fisticuffs) A particularly powerful punch, especially one which knocks down an opponent…
haymaker n. (Figuratively, by extension) Any decisive blow, shock, or forceful action.
HEADMARKheadmark n. The distinction or peculiarity of the head, face, or features used in distinguishing each individual…
headmark n. A headland marking the limit of a field.
headmark n. A credit (as toward a prize to be awarded) given to a pupil for reaching the head position in an examination…
KHANSAMAkhansama n. Alternative form of khansamah.
KHANSAMA n. (Hindi) a house-steward or butler in India, also KHANSAMAH.
MAKHANISmakhanis n. Plural of makhani.
MAKHANI n. (Hindi) in Indian cookery, a dish cooked in butter or cream.
TOMAHAWKtomahawk n. An ax used by Native American warriors.
tomahawk n. (Basketball) A dunk performed with one’s arm behind one’s head.
tomahawk n. (Geometry) A geometric construction consisting of a semicircle and two line segments that serves as…
YASHMAKSyashmaks n. Plural of yashmak.
YASHMAK n. (Arabic) a double Muslim veil leaving only eyes uncovered, also YASHMAC, YASMAK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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