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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2A, 2G and I

AGASTINGAGAST v. (Milton) to terrify.
AGIOTAGEagiotage n. (Dated, trading) Stock exchange business; especially, stockjobbing, manipulation of securities prices.
AGIOTAGE n. (French) speculative manoeuvres in stocks and shares.
ANAGOGICanagogic adj. Of, pertaining to, or employing an anagoge.
ANAGOGIC adj. relating to mystical interpretation, also ANAGOGICAL.
ANTIGANGantigang adj. (Law enforcement) Intended to combat or reduce the activity of criminal gangs.
ANTIGANG adj. opposed to gangs.
APAGOGICapagogic adj. (Rhetoric) Proving indirectly, by showing the impossibility or absurdity of the contrary.
APAGOGIC adj. proving indirectly, by showing the absurdity, or impossibility of the contrary, also APAGOGICAL.
DAMAGINGdamaging v. Present participle of damage.
damaging adj. Harmful; injurious; causing damage.
damaging n. An act of causing damage.
GANGLIALganglial adj. Of or pertaining to a ganglion.
GANGLIAL adj. pertaining to a ganglion, also GANGLIAR.
GANGLIARgangliar adj. Relating to the ganglia.
GANGLIAR adj. pertaining to a ganglion, also GANGLIAL.
GARAGIERGARAGEY adj. in the garage style of music.
GARAGINGgaraging v. Present participle of garage.
garaging n. The act of parking a vehicle in a garage.
GARAGING n. the placing of a vehicle in a garage.
GARAGISTgaragist n. A French car mechanic or garage worker.
GARAGIST n. a garage proprietor or owner, also GARAGISTE.
GIGAWATTgigawatt n. One thousand million (109) watts, abbreviated as GW.
giga-watt n. One thousand million ( 109 ) watts, abbreviated as GW.
GIGAWATT n. a unit of power, a thousand million watts.
GRAINAGEgrainage n. The selection and storage of cocoons in sericulture.
GRAINAGE n. duties on grain.
HAGGADIChaggadic adj. Alternative form of aggadic.
Haggadic adj. Alternative form of aggadic.
HAGGADIC adj. (Hebrew) relating to the haggadah, the Pesach guidebook, used during Seder, also AGGADIC, HAGADIC, HAGGADICAL.
MANAGINGmanaging v. Present participle of manage.
managing n. Management.
MANAGE v. to control or direct.
MARAGINGmaraging n. (Steel-making) A process that produces a tough, malleable form of steel (maraging steel) by means of…
MARAGING n. a process by which an alloy is slowly cooled in the air.
RAVAGINGravaging v. Present participle of ravage.
ravaging n. The act by which something is ravaged.
RAVAGE v. to destroy.
SAVAGINGsavaging v. Present participle of savage.
savaging n. A vicious attack or criticism.
SAVAGE v. to attack or treat brutally.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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