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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2A, F and 2R

AFFRAYERaffrayer n. One involved in an affray.
AFFRAYER n. a disturber of the peace.
AIRCRAFTaircraft n. A vehicle capable of atmospheric flight due to interaction with the air, such as buoyancy or lift.
AIRCRAFT n. a machine for travelling in the air.
AIRFARESairfares n. Plural of airfare.
AIRFARE n. the price of a journey on a plane.
AIRFRAMEairframe n. The main body and structure of an aircraft (without the powerplant).
AIRFRAME n. the body of an aircraft as opposed to its engine.
CARFAREScarfares n. Plural of carfare.
CARFARE n. payment for a bus or car ride.
FARMYARDfarmyard n. The area around a farm, excluding the fields.
FARMYARD n. an area surrounding farm buildings.
FARRAGOSfarragos n. Plural of farrago.
FARRAGO n. (Latin) a confused mixture.
FARRUCASfarrucas n. Plural of farruca.
FARRUCA n. (Spanish) a gypsy dance with sudden tempo and mood changes.
FRAGRANTfragrant adj. Sweet-smelling; having a pleasant (usually strong) scent or fragrance.
FRAGRANT adj. having a pleasant perfume.
FURCRAEAFurcraea prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Asparagaceae – various tropical succulent plants.
FURCRAEA n. a tropical American genus of plants related to the agave.
PARAFORMparaform n. Synonym of paraformaldehyde.
PARAFORM n. a substance used as an antiseptic.
SEAFARERseafarer n. A sailor or mariner.
seafarer n. One who travels by sea.
SEAFARER n. one who travels by sea.
WARCRAFTwarcraft n. (Uncountable) The art or skill of conducting a war.
warcraft n. (Countable) A warship.
WARCRAFT n. the art of war.
WARFAREDwarfared v. Simple past tense and past participle of warfare.
WARFARE v. to wage war.
WARFARERwarfarer n. One engaged in warfare; a soldier or warrior.
WARFARER n. one engaged in warfare.
WARFARESwarfares n. Plural of warfare.
WARFARE v. to wage war.
WARFARINwarfarin n. (Pharmacology) A coumarin salt, warfarin sodium, found in certain clovers, that retards blood coagulation…
WARFARIN n. a rat poison.
WAYFARERwayfarer n. A traveller, especially one on foot.
wayfarer n. A type of glasses, with pointed ends and rounded bottoms.
WAYFARER n. a traveller.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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