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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2A, F, P and R

EARFLAPSearflaps n. Plural of earflap.
EARFLAP n. a part of a cap that covers the ears.
FRAPEAGEFRAPEAGE n. the practice of altering information in a person's profile on a social networking website without his or her permission.
FRAPPANTFRAPPANT adj. (French) striking.
PARAFFINparaffin n. (UK) A petroleum-based thin and colourless fuel oil.
paraffin n. (Chemistry) Any member of the alkane hydrocarbons.
paraffin n. Paraffin wax.
PARAFFLEparaffle n. An ostentatious display.
PARAFFLE n. (Scots) a pretentious display, a fuss, also PARAFLE.
PARAFLESparafles n. Plural of parafle.
PARAFLE n. (Scots) a pretentious display, a fuss, also PARAFFLE.
PARAFOILparafoil n. A parachute, kite or glider with an aerofoil-shaped fabric canopy or wing.
parafoil n. The wing or sail of such an apparatus.
PARAFOIL n. a type of steerable parachute.
PARAFORMparaform n. Synonym of paraformaldehyde.
PARAFORM n. a substance used as an antiseptic.
PARFAITSparfaits n. Plural of parfait.
Parfaits prop.n. Plural of Parfait.
PARFAIT n. (French) a dessert mousse or ice-cream pudding.
PARFOCALparfocal adj. Having multiple lenses that have corresponding focal points in the same plane.
PARFOCAL adj. having lenses with corresponding focal points in the same plane.
PRATFALLpratfall n. A fall onto the buttocks.
pratfall n. A humiliating mistake.
pratfall n. A staged trip or fall, often for comedic purposes.
TRAPFALLTRAPFALL n. a trapdoor that gives way beneath the feet; a pitfall.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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