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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2A, F, M and R

AIRFRAMEairframe n. The main body and structure of an aircraft (without the powerplant).
AIRFRAME n. the body of an aircraft as opposed to its engine.
AQUAFARMaquafarm n. (Agriculture) A facility where aquaculture is carried out.
AQUAFARM v. to cultivate food fish.
FAMILIARfamiliar adj. Known to one, or generally known; commonplace.
familiar adj. Acquainted.
familiar adj. Intimate or friendly.
FARADISMfaradism n. (Medicine, dated) Treatment with faradic electricity; faradization.
FARADISM n. the use of faradic current for therapeutic purposes.
FARMABLEfarmable adj. (Of land) Suitable for farming.
FARMABLE adj. able to be farmed.
FARMHANDfarmhand n. A person who works on a farm.
farmhand n. (Baseball) A player in the minor leagues.
farm␣hand n. Alternative form of farmhand.
FARMLANDfarmland n. Land that is suitable for farming and agricultural production.
farm␣land n. Alternative form of farmland.
FARMLAND n. cultivated land.
FARMYARDfarmyard n. The area around a farm, excluding the fields.
FARMYARD n. an area surrounding farm buildings.
FERMATASfermatas n. Plural of fermata.
FERMATA n. (Italian) a pause in music.
FORAMINAforamina n. Plural of foramen.
FORAMEN n. (Latin) a small anatomical opening.
FRAMABLEframable adj. Alternative form of frameable.
FRAMABLE adj. that can be framed, also FRAMEABLE.
FUMARASEfumarase n. An enzyme that in the Krebs cycle acts as a catalyst for the reaction of water and fumarate to form L-malate.
FUMARASE n. an enzyme that catalyses the interconversion of fumaric or malic acid and their salts.
FUMARATEfumarate n. Any salt or ester of fumaric acid; they are produced in the body as part of the urea cycle.
FUMARATE n. a salt of fumaric acid.
LAVAFORMlavaform adj. Resembling lava; in the form of lava.
LAVAFORM adj. in the form of lava.
PARAFORMparaform n. Synonym of paraformaldehyde.
PARAFORM n. a substance used as an antiseptic.
RAFTSMANraftsman n. A person who transports a raft of floating logs downstream to a sawmill; a rafter.
RAFTSMAN n. one who manages a raft, also RAFTMAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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