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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing 2A, F, L and M

FACEMAILfacemail n. (Computing, technology) Face-to-face communication, as opposed to other non-personal forms of communication.
facemail v. To engage in face-to-face conversation.
facemail v. To send a facemail.
FACEPALMfacepalm n. A gesture of bringing one or both palms to the face, with various interpretations.
facepalm v. To bring the palm of one’s hand to one’s face as an expression of mixed humor and disbelief, disgust…
facepalm v. To bring one’s face down to one’s cupped hand or hands.
FAMILIALfamilial adj. Of or pertaining to a human family.
familial adj. (Taxonomy) Pertaining to a taxon at the rank of family.
familial adj. Of or pertaining to any grouping of things referred to as a family.
FAMILIARfamiliar adj. Known to one, or generally known; commonplace.
familiar adj. Acquainted.
familiar adj. Intimate or friendly.
FARMABLEfarmable adj. (Of land) Suitable for farming.
FARMABLE adj. able to be farmed.
FARMLANDfarmland n. Land that is suitable for farming and agricultural production.
farm␣land n. Alternative form of farmland.
FARMLAND n. cultivated land.
FATALISMfatalism n. (Metaphysics, philosophy) The doctrine that all events are subject to fate or inevitable necessity…
FATALISM n. the doctrine that all events are predetermined.
FLAMBEAUflambeau n. A burning torch, especially one carried in procession.
FLAMBEAU n. (French) a flaming torch.
FLATMATEflatmate n. A person with whom one shares a flat.
flatmate n. (UK, Ireland, New Zealand) A person with whom one shares any rental dwelling, not necessarily a flat.
FLATMATE n. a person with whom one shares a flat.
FOAMABLEfoamable adj. Capable of being converted into foam.
FOAMABLE adj. able to foam.
FRAMABLEframable adj. Alternative form of frameable.
FRAMABLE adj. that can be framed, also FRAMEABLE.
LAVAFORMlavaform adj. Resembling lava; in the form of lava.
LAVAFORM adj. in the form of lava.
MEATLOAFmeatloaf n. A dish of ground meat (usually made from ground beef, although lamb, pork, veal, venison, poultry and…
meat␣loaf n. Alternative form of meatloaf.
MEATLOAF n. a baked loaf of ground meat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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