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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2A, E, H and K

ALKAHESTalkahest n. (Now historical) A universal solvent sought by the alchemists.
ALKAHEST n. (Arabic) the hypothetical universal solvent sought by alchemists, also ALCAHEST.
ASHCAKESashcakes n. Plural of ashcake.
ash␣cakes n. Plural of ash cake.
ASHCAKE n. a cornmeal cake.
BACKACHEbackache n. Any pain or ache in the back.
BACKACHE n. pain in the back.
HACKABLEhackable adj. (Computing) That can be hacked or broken into; insecure, vulnerable.
hackable adj. That lends itself to hacking (technical tinkering and modification); moddable.
HACKABLE adj. that can be hacked e.g. of a computer system.
HALFBEAKhalfbeak n. (Zoology) Any slender, marine fish of the family Hemiramphidae, having the upper jaw much shorter than…
HALFBEAK n. a fish with a spearlike underjaw.
HARAKEKEharakeke n. (New Zealand) New Zealand flax, Phormium tenax.
HARAKEKE n. (Maori) flax.
HARDBAKEhardbake n. A sweetmeat of boiled brown sugar or molasses with almonds, flavoured with orange or lemon juice.
HARDBAKE n. a sweetmeat of boiled brown sugar or molasses made with almonds etc.
HATMAKERhatmaker n. Someone who makes hats.
Hatmaker prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
HATMAKER n. one that makes hats.
HAYMAKERhaymaker n. (Agriculture) A person or machine which harvests or prepares tall grass for use as animal fodder.
haymaker n. (Informal, fisticuffs) A particularly powerful punch, especially one which knocks down an opponent…
haymaker n. (Figuratively, by extension) Any decisive blow, shock, or forceful action.
HAYRAKEShayrakes n. Plural of hayrake.
HAYRAKE n. a large rake for collecting hay.
HEADMARKheadmark n. The distinction or peculiarity of the head, face, or features used in distinguishing each individual…
headmark n. A headland marking the limit of a field.
headmark n. A credit (as toward a prize to be awarded) given to a pupil for reaching the head position in an examination…
HEKETARAHEKETARA n. (Maori) a small shrub that has flowers with white petals and yellow centres.
ICEKHANAicekhana n. (Rare) A motorkhana that takes place on a frozen lake.
ICEKHANA n. an automotive event held on a frozen lake.
KHANATESkhanates n. Plural of khanate.
KHANATE n. the domain of a khan.
LAKEHEADlakehead n. The part of a lake most distant from its outlet.
Lakehead prop.n. A census-designated place in Shasta County, California, United States.
LAKEHEAD n. the shore of a lake furthest from the outlet.
SEAHAWKSseahawks n. Plural of seahawk.
SEAHAWK n. a predatory seabird, aka skua.
SHAKABLEshakable adj. Able to be shaken.
shakable adj. Designed to be shaken.
SHAKABLE adj. that can be shaken, also SHAKEABLE.
TZEDAKAHtzedakah n. (Judaism) The Jewish tradition of charity.
TZEDAKAH n. (Hebrew) charitable giving as a moral obligation among Jews.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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