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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2A, D, Q and U

ADEQUACYadequacy n. The quality of being sufficient, adequate or able to meet the needs.
ADEQUACY n. the state of sufficiency.
ADEQUATEadequate adj. Equal to or fulfilling some requirement.
adequate det. A sufficient amount of; enough.
adequate v. (Obsolete) To equalize; to make adequate.
AQUACADEaquacade n. An entertainment consisting of swimmers and divers performing to music.
AQUACADE n. an exhibition of swimming and diving skills.
JACQUARDjacquard n. Fabric woven on a Jacquard loom.
jacquard n. Fabric resembling a jacquard, but woven by a different process.
jacquard n. (Countable) A Jacquard loom.
MADOQUASmadoquas n. Plural of madoqua.
MADOQUA n. (Amharic) a small Abyssinian antelope.
MUQADDAMmuqaddam n. Any of various Arabic or Islamic officials.
muqaddam n. A former village headman in Bengal, through whom the government dealt with the peasants.
MUQADDAM n. (Arabic) a leader, headman, also MOCUDDUM, MOKADDAM.
QUAALUDEquaalude n. Alternative letter-case form of Quaalude.
Quaalude prop.n. (Pharmacology) A proprietary name for methaqualone.
Quaalude n. A dose of this drug, sometimes taken recreationally.
QUADPLAYquadplay n. Alternative spelling of quad play.
quad␣play n. A service offering in which four services are offered together, especially television, broadband, and…
QUADPLAY n. the supply to a customer by one provider of television, internet and both fixed-line and mobile telephony, also FOURPLAY.
QUADRANSquadrans n. A bronze coin of the Roman republic worth one quarter of an as.
QUADRANS n. (Latin) a Roman coin, a fourth part of an as.
QUADRANTquadrant n. One of the four sections made by dividing an area with two perpendicular lines.
quadrant n. (Mathematics) One of the four regions of the Cartesian plane bounded by the x-axis and y-axis.
quadrant n. (Geometry) One fourth of a circle or disc; a sector with an angle of 90°.
QUADRATEquadrate adj. Having four equal sides, the opposite sides parallel, and four right angles; square.
quadrate adj. Produced by multiplying a number by itself; square.
quadrate adj. (Archaic) Square; even; balanced; equal; exact.
QUADRATIQUADRATUS n. the name of several quadrangular muscles.
QUADRATSquadrats n. Plural of quadrat.
QUADRAT n. a piece of type metal used for spacing.
QUADRIGAquadriga n. (Historical) A Roman racing chariot drawn by four horses abreast.
quadriga n. (Historical) A team of four horses, or sometimes other animals, especially as used in chariot racing.
QUADRIGA n. (Latin) a four-horse chariot.
QUANDANGquandang n. Alternative form of quandong.
QUANDANG n. (Native Australian) an Australian tree, also QUANDONG, QUANTONG.
QUANDARYquandary n. A state of not knowing what to decide; a state of difficulty or perplexity; a state of uncertainty…
quandary n. A dilemma, a difficult decision or choice.
QUANDARY n. a state of perplexity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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