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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2A, D, F and S

ABFARADSabfarads n. Plural of abfarad.
ABFARAD n. a unit of capacitance, the ability to store an electric charge.
FADAISESfadaises n. Plural of fadaise.
FADAISE n. (French) an obvious or silly remark.
FALCADESfalcades n. Plural of falcade.
FALCADE n. (French) a leaping motion of a horse.
FALDAGESfaldages n. Plural of faldage.
FALDAGE n. (historical) the right of the lord of a manor to graze a tenant's sheep in folds on his land, in order to manure it.
FARADAYSfaradays n. Plural of faraday.
FARADAY n. a unit used in electrolysis.
FARADISEfaradise v. Alternative form of faradize.
FARADISE v. to treat by faradism, also FARADIZE.
FARADISMfaradism n. (Medicine, dated) Treatment with faradic electricity; faradization.
FARADISM n. the use of faradic current for therapeutic purposes.
FARDAGESFARDAGE n. a bottom layer of wood to keep cargo from water.
FATHEADSfatheads n. Plural of fathead.
FATHEAD n. a dolt.
FAZENDASfazendas n. Plural of fazenda.
FAZENDA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian plantation.
HANDFASThandfast n. (Obsolete) A hold, grasp; custody, power of confining or keeping.
handfast n. (Obsolete) A contract, agreement, covenant; specifically betrothal, espousal.
handfast v. (Transitive) To pledge; to bind.
HEADFASTheadfast n. (Nautical) A rope at the bows of a ship used to fasten it to a wharf, etc.
HEADFAST n. a mooring rope.
LANDFASTlandfast adj. Connected or anchored to the land.
LANDFAST adj. of ice, attached to the shore.
SAFARIEDsafaried v. Simple past tense and past participle of safari.
SAFARI v. to go on a hunting expedition.
SAUFGARDsaufgard n. Obsolete spelling of safeguard.
SAUFGARD n. (Spenser) a safeguard, also SAVEGARD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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