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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2A, D, E and Z

AGATIZEDagatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of agatize.
AGATIZE v. to cause to resemble agate, also AGATISE.
AMAZEDLYamazedly adv. In an amazed manner.
AMAZED adv. AMAZE, to overwhelm with astonishment.
ANALYZEDanalyzed adj. Having been subject to analysis; examined closely, carefully considered.
analyzed v. Simple past tense and past participle of analyze.
ANALYZE v. to subject to analysis, also ANALYSE.
ARABIZEDArabized v. Simple past tense and past participle of Arabize.
Arabized adj. Having attained or been given Arab traits or characteristics.
ARABIZE v. to adopt Arab customs, also ARABISE.
CADENZAScadenzas n. Plural of cadenza.
CADENZA n. (Italian) an elaborate musical passage.
DIAZEPAMdiazepam n. (Pharmacology) A tranquilizing muscle relaxant drug (trademark Valium) used chiefly to relieve anxiety.
DIAZEPAM n. a tranquillizer of the benzodiazepine group.
FARADIZEfaradize v. (Medicine, transitive) To subject to faradization.
FARADIZE v. to treat by faradism, also FARADISE.
FAZENDASfazendas n. Plural of fazenda.
FAZENDA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian plantation.
GAZANGEDGAZANG v. (of the seller of a house) to inconvenience (a potential buyer) by withdrawing from an agreement to sell shortly before the purchase is completed.
HAZARDEDhazarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of hazard.
hazarded adj. Having hazards.
HAZARD v. to venture.
HAZARDERhazarder n. One who ventures or hazards.
hazarder n. (Obsolete) A player at cards or dice; gamester.
HAZARDER n. one who hazards.
MAZAEDIAmazaedia n. Plural of mazaedium.
MAZAEDIUM n. a spore-producing organ of certain lichens.
STANZAEDstanzaed adj. Divided into stanzas.
STANZAED adj. having a stanza.
TZEDAKAHtzedakah n. (Judaism) The Jewish tradition of charity.
TZEDAKAH n. (Hebrew) charitable giving as a moral obligation among Jews.
UNAMAZEDunamazed adj. Not amazed.
UNAMAZED adj. not amazed.
WEAZANDSweazands n. Plural of weazand.
ZAMZAWEDzamzawed adj. (US, dialect) Dried through overcooking.
ZAMZAWED adj. (dialect) of tea, stewed in the pot.
ZENAIDASzenaidas n. Plural of zenaida.
ZENAIDA n. a wild dove.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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